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Balleine BW; Espinet A; Gonzalez F Perceptual learning enhances retrospective revaluation of conditioned flavor preferences in rats 2005 J. Exp. Psychol.: Anim. Behav. Process. 3055 31 341 details   openurl
Gillan DJ; Premack D; Woodruff G Reasoning in the chimpanzee: I. Analogical reasoning 1981 J. Exp. Psychol.: Anim. Behav. Process. 3063 7 1 details   openurl
Miller RR; Matute H Biological significance in forward and backward blocking: resolution of a discrepancy between animal conditioning and human causal judgment 1996 J. Exp. Psychol.: Anim. Behav. Process. 3069 18 251 details   openurl
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