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Friederici, A.D.; Alter, K. Lateralization of auditory language functions: a dynamic dual pathway model 2004 Brain and Language 4722 89 267-276 details   doi
Krishnan, A.; Gandour, J.T.; Ananthakrishnan, S.; Bidelman, G.M.; Smalt, C.J. Functional ear (a)symmetry in brainstem neural activity relevant to encoding of voice pitch: A precursor for hemispheric specialization? Brain and Language 5391 In Press, Corrected Proof details   doi
Pell, M.D. Cerebral mechanisms for understanding emotional prosody in speech 2006 Brain and Language 4637 96 221-234 details   doi
Rogers, L.J. Evolution of hemispheric specialization: advantages and disadvantages 2000 Brain and Language 4621 73 236-253 details   doi
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