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Ajie, B.C.; Pintor, L.M.; Watters, J.; Kerby, J.L.; Hammond, J.I.; Sih, A. A framework for determining the fitness consequences of antipredator behavior 2007 Behavioral Ecology 4087 18 267-270 details   doi
Anderson, C.; Franks, N.R. Teams in animal societies 2001 Behavioral Ecology 2070 12 534-540 details   doi
Barton, R.A.; Byrne, R.W.; Whiten, A. Ecology, feeding competition and social structure in baboons 1996 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 807 38 321-329 details   doi
Berger, J. Organizational systems and dominance in feral horses in the Grand Canyon 1977 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 748 2 131-146 details   doi
Cameron, E. Z.,; Linklater, W. L.,; Stafford, K.J.,; Minot, E. O., Social grouping and maternal behaviour in feral horses (Equus caballus): the influence of males on maternal protectiveness 2003 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 458 53 92-101 details   doi
Cameron, E.Z.; Linklater, W.L.; Stafford, K.J.; Minot, E.O. Aging and improving reproductive success in horses: declining residual reproductive value or just older and wiser? 2000 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2019 47 243-249 details   doi
Cant, M.A.; Field, J. Helping effort in a dominance hierarchy 2005 Behavioral Ecology 760 16 708-715 details   doi
Dingemanse, N.J.; de Goede, P. The relation between dominance and exploratory behavior is context-dependent in wild great tits 2004 Behavioral Ecology 5390 15 1023-1030 details   doi
Doutrelant, C.; McGregor, P. K.; Oliveira, R. F. The effect of an audience on intrasexual communication in male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens 2001 Behavioral Ecology 4224 12 283-286 details   url
Dugatkin, L.A. Bystander effects and the structure of dominance hierarchies 2001 Behavioral Ecology 441 12 348-352 details   url
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