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Tooze, Z.J.; Harrington, F.H.; Fentress, J.C. Individually distinct vocalizations in timber wolves, Canis lupus 1990 Anim Behav 6468 40 details   doi
Harrington, F.H. Aggressive howling in wolves 1987 Anim Behav 6457 35 details   doi
Healy, S.D.; Rowe, C. Costs and benefits of evolving a larger brain: doubts over the evidence that large brains lead to better cognition 2013 Anim Behav 6317 86 details   doi
Albiach-Serrano, A.; Bräuer, J.; Cacchione, T.; Zickert, N.; Amici, F. The effect of domestication and ontogeny in swine cognition (Sus scrofa scrofa and S. s. domestica) 2012 Appl Anim Behav Sci 6329 141 details   doi
van de Waal, E.; Bshary, R. Social-learning abilities of wild vervet monkeys in a two-step task artificial fruit experiment 2011 Anim Behav 6262 81 details   doi
Thornton, A.; Samson, J. Innovative problem solving in wild meerkats 2012 Anim Behav 6267 83 details   doi
Stanley, C.R.; Dunbar, R.I.M. Consistent social structure and optimal clique size revealed by social network analysis of feral goats, Capra hircus 2013 Anim Behav 6253 85 details   doi
O'Brien, P.H. Feral goat social organization: a review and comparative analysis 1988 Appl Anim Behav Sci 6270 21 details   doi
McComb, K.; Moss, C.; Sayialel, S.; Baker, L. Unusually extensive networks of vocal recognition in African elephants 2000 Anim Behav 6281 59 details   doi
Hare, B.; Rosati, A.; Kaminski, J.; Bräuer, J.; Call, J.; Tomasello, M. The domestication hypothesis for dogs' skills with human communication: a response to Udell et al. (2008) and Wynne et al. (2008) 2010 Anim Behav 6241 79 details   doi
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