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Herron, M.A.; Martin, J.E.; Joyce, J.R. Quantitative study of the decussating optic axons in the pony, cow, sheep, and pig. 1978 American Journal of Veterinary Research 5586 39 1137-9 details   openurl
Parry, B.W.; Gay, C.C.; McCarthy, M.A. Influence of head height on arterial blood pressure in standing horses 1980 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4539 41 1626-1631 details   openurl
Rietbroek, N.J.; Dingboom, E.G.; Joosten, B.J.L.J.; Eizema, K.; Everts, M.E. Effect of show jumping training on the development of locomotory muscle in young horses 2007 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4358 68 1232-1238 details   doi
Bottoms, G.D.; Roesel, O.F.; Rausch, F.D.; Akins, E.L. Circadian variation in plasma cortisol and corticosterone in pigs and mares 1972 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4074 33 785-790 details   openurl
Hernandez, J.; Hawkins, D.L. Training failure among yearling horses 2001 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4051 62 1418-1422 details   openurl
Santamaria, S.; Bobbert, M.F.; Back, W.; Barneveld, A.; van Weeren, P.R. Effect of early training on the jumping technique of horses 2005 American Journal of Veterinary Research 4037 66 418-424 details   openurl
Santamaria, S.; Bobbert, M.E.; Back, W.; Barneveld, A.; van Weeren, P.R. Variation in free jumping technique within and among horses with little experience in show jumping 2004 American Journal of Veterinary Research 3772 65 938-944 details   openurl
Clayton, H.M. Comparison of the stride kinematics of the collected, medium, and extended walks in horses 1995 American Journal of Veterinary Research 3743 56 849-852 details   openurl
Herholz, C.P.; Gerber, V.; Tschudi, P.; Straub, R.; Imhof, A.; Busato, A. Use of volumetric capnography to identify pulmonary dysfunction in horses with and without clinically apparent recurrent airway obstruction 2003 American Journal of Veterinary Research 3724 64 338-345 details   openurl
Stock, K.F.; Distl, O. Evaluation of expected response to selection for orthopedic health and performance traits in Hanoverian Warmblood horses 2005 American Journal of Veterinary Research 3713 66 1371-1379 details   openurl
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