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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Ben-Shahar, R Selectivity in large generalist herbivores: feeding patterns of African ungulates in a semi-arid habitat 1991 African Journal of Ecology 2226 29 302-315 details   doi
Brooks, C.J.; Harris, S. Directed movement and orientation across a large natural landscape by zebras, Equus burchelli antiquorum 2008 Animal Behaviour 6148 76 277-285 details   doi
Chaudhuri, M.; Ginsberg, J.R. Urinary androgen concentrations and social status in two species of free ranging zebra (Equus burchelli and E. grevyi). 1990 Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 987 88 127-133 details   doi
Fischhoff, I.R.; Sundaresan, S.R.; Cordingley, J.; Larkin, H.M.; Sellier, M.-J.; Rubenstein, D.I. Social relationships and reproductive state influence leadership roles in movements of plains zebra, Equus burchellii 2007 Animal Behaviour. 1825 73 825-831 details   doi
McDonnell, S.M.; Poulin, A. Equid play ethogram 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1987 78 263-290 details   url
Penzhorn, B. L.; van der Merwe, N. J. Testis size and onset of spermatogenesis in Cape mountain zebras (Equus zebra zebra) 1988 Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 1463 83 371-375 details   doi
Pluhacek, J.; Bartos, L.; Culik, L. High-ranking mares of captive plains zebra Equus burchelli have greater reproductive success than low-ranking mares 2006 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2228 99 315-329 details   doi
Stennett, C.R.; Strauss, R.E. Behavioural lateralization in zebrafish and four related species of minnows (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae) 2010 Animal Behaviour. 5358 79 1339-1342 details   doi
Watson, L.H.; Odendaal, H.E.; Barry, T.J.; Pietersen, J. Population viability of Cape mountain zebra in Gamka Mountain Nature Reserve, South Africa: the influence of habitat and fire 2005 Biological Conservation 3547 122 173-180 details   doi
Westlin-van Aarde, L.M.; van Aarde, R. J.; Skinner, J. D. Reproduction in female Hartmann's zebra 1988 Journal of Reproduction and Fertility 1705 84 505-511 details   doi
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