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Anderson, M.K.; Friend, T.H.; Evans, J.W.; Bushong, D.M. Behavioral assessment of horses in therapeutic riding programs 1999 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4812 63 11-24 details   doi
Batt, L.S.; Batt, M.S.; Baguley, J.A.; McGreevy, P.D. The relationships between motor lateralization, salivary cortisol concentrations and behavior in dogs 2009 Journal of Veterinary Behaviour 5383 4 216-222 details   doi
Christensen, J.W.; Munk, R.; Hawson, L.; Palme, R.; Larsen, T.; Egenvall, A.; König von Borstel, U.U.; Rørvang, M.V. Rider effects on horses' conflict behaviour, rein tension, physiological measures and rideability scores 2021 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6696 234 105184 details   doi
Coleman, K.; Tully, L.A.; McMillan, J.L. Temperament correlates with training success in adult rhesus macaques 2005 American journal of primatology 4112 65 63-71 details   doi
Fenner, K.; Freire, R.; McLean, A.; McGreevy, P. Behavioral, demographic and management influences on equine responses to negative reinforcement 2018 Journal of Veterinary Behavior 6400 details   doi
Fox, N.A. Temperament and early experience form social behavior 2004 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 4131 1038 171-178 details   doi
Górecka-Bruzda, A.; Chruszczewski, M.H.; Jezierski, T.; Murphy, J. Behaviour-related traits of Polish sport horse stallions participating in 100-day performance tests Livestock Science 5281 In Press, Corrected Proof details   doi
Górecka-Bruzda, A.; Jastrzebska, E.; Sosnowska, Z.; Jaworski, Z.; Jezierski, T.; Chruszczewski, M.H. Reactivity to humans and fearfulness tests: Field validation in Polish Cold Blood Horses Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5395 In Press, Corrected Proof details   doi
Gosling, S.D. Personality dimensions in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) 1998 Journal of Comparative Psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) 5019 112 107-118 details   doi
Graf, P.; König von Borstel, U.; Gauly, M. Practical considerations regarding the implementation of a temperament test into horse performance tests: Results of a large-scale test run 2014 Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 5867 9 329-340 details   doi
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