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Feh, C.; Munkhtuya, B.; Enkhbold, S.; Sukhbaatar, T. Ecology and social structure of the Gobi khulan Equus hemionus subsp. in the Gobi B National Park, Mongolia 2001 Biological Conservation 2289 101 51-61 details   doi
Hasenjager, M.J.; Dugatkin, L.A. Social Network Analysis in Behavioral Ecology 5863 details   doi
Linklater, W.L.; Cameron, E.Z.; Stafford, K.J.; Veltman, C.J. Social and spatial structure and range use by Kaimanawa wild horses (Equus caballus: Equidae) 2000 New Zealand Journal of Ecology 793 24 139-152 details   url
Lonsdorf, E.V.; Ross, S.R.; Linick, S.A.; Milstein, M.S.; Melber, T.N. An experimental, comparative investigation of tool use in chimpanzees and gorillas 2009 Animal Behaviour 5858 77 1119-1126 details   doi
Lusseau, D.; Whitehead, H.; Gero, S. Incorporating uncertainty into the study of animal social networks 2008 Animal Behaviour. 5173 75 1809-1815 details   doi
Sawaguchi, T.; Kudo, H. Neocortical development and social structure in primates 1990 Primates 4799 31 283-289 details   doi
Sueur, C.; Jacobs, A.; Amblard, F.; Petit, O.; King, A.J. How can social network analysis improve the study of primate behavior? 2010 American Journal of Primatology 6410 73 703-719 details   doi
VanDierendonck, M.C. Social relationships in a group of horses without a mature stallion 2006 The Importance of Social Relationships in Horses 2369 Chapter 4 details   url
VanDierendonck, M.C. Diff erences in social behaviour between late pregnant, post-partum and barren mares in a herd of Icelandic horses 2006 The Importance of Social Relationships in Horses 2370 Chapter 5 details   url
VanDierendonck, M.C. Interventions in social behaviour in a herd of mares and geldings 2006 The Importance of Social Relationships in Horses 2371 Chapter 6 details   url
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