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Barry, K.J.; Crowell-Davis, S.L. Gender differences in the social behavior of the neutered indoor-only domestic cat 1999 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2267 64 193-211 details   doi
Gruber, T.; Clay, Z.; Zuberbühler, K. A comparison of bonobo and chimpanzee tool use: evidence for a female bias in the Pan lineage 2010 Animal Behaviour 5856 80 1023-1033 details   doi
Motch, S.M.; Harpster, H.W.; Ralston, S.; Ostiguy, N.; Diehl, N.K. A note on yearling horse ingestive and agonistic behaviours in three concentrate feeding systems 2007 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4342 106 167-172 details   doi
Murphy, J.; Waldmann, T.; Arkins, S. Sex differences in equine learning skills and visuo-spatial ability 2004 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 3560 87 119-130 details   url
Weeks, J.W.; Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Caudle, A.B.; Heusner, G.L. Aggression and social spacing in light horse (Equus caballus) mares and foals 2000 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 788 68 319-337 details   doi
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