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Amdam, G.V.; Csondes, A.; Fondrk, M.K.; Page, R.E.J. Complex social behaviour derived from maternal reproductive traits 2006 Nature 531 439 76-78 details   doi
Arnold, W.; Ruf, T.; Kuntz, R. Seasonal adjustment of energy budget in a large wild mammal, the Przewalski horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) II. Energy expenditure 2006 The Journal of experimental biology 1782 209 4566-4573 details   doi
Aurich, J.; Wulf, M.; Ille, N.; Erber, R.; von Lewinski, M.; Palme, R.; Aurich, C. Effects of season, age, sex and housing on salivary cortisol concentrations in horses 2015 Domestic Animal Endocrinology 5847 details   doi
Bell, A.M. Evolutionary biology: animal personalities 2007 Nature 4099 447 539-540 details   doi
Bermudez, J.L. The moral significance of birth 1996 Ethics 4177 106 378-403 details   openurl
Cameron, E.Z. Facultative adjustment of mammalian sex ratios in support of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis: evidence for a mechanism 2004 Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society 413 271 1723-1728 details   doi
Carlstead, K.; Brown, J.L. Relationships between patterns of Fecal corticoid excretion and behavior, reproduction, and environmental factors in captive black (Diceros bicornis) and white (Ceratotherium simum) rhinoceros 2005 Zoo Biology 6142 24 215-232 details   doi
Chenoweth, P.J.; Chase, C.C.; Larsen, R.E.; Thatcher, M.-J.D.; Bivens, J.F.; Wilcox, C.J. The assessment of sexual performance in young Bos taurus and Bos indicus beef bulls 1996 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2865 48 225-235 details   doi
Collery, L. Observations of equine animals under farm and feral conditions 1974 Equine veterinary journal 680 6 170-173 details   openurl
Danchin, E.; Giraldeau, L.-A.; Valone, T.J.; Wagner, R.H. Public information: from nosy neighbors to cultural evolution 2004 Science (New York, N.Y.) 2131 305 487-491 details   doi
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