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Keil, N. M., Sambraus, H.H. (1998). “Intervenors” in agonistic interactions amongst domesticated goats. Z. Säugetierk., 63(5), 266–272.
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Krueger, K., Schneider, G., Flauger, B., & Heinze, J. (2015). Context-dependent third-party intervention in agonistic encounters of male Przewalski horses. Behav. Process., 121, 54–62.
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Obergfell, J. (2012). Einf lus s v on St ruktur e l ement en auf da s Li eg ev e rha l t en v on Pf e rden in Gruppenha l tung unt e r Be rücks i cht igung de s Ag g r e s s i ons v e rha l t ens. Ph.D. thesis, , Karlsruhe.
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VanDierendonck, M. C., de Vries, H., & Schilder, M. B. H. (1995). An Analysis of Dominance, Its Behavioural Parameters and Possible Determinants in a Herd of Icelandic orses in Captivity. Netherl. J. Zool., 45(3-4), 362–385.
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VanDierendonck, M. C., de Vries, H., Schilder, M.B.H. (1995). An Analysis of Dominance, Its Behavioural Parameters and Possible Determinants in a Herd of Icelandic horses in captivity. Netherl. J. Zool., 45(3-4), 362–385.
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Vervaecke, H., Vries, H. D., & Elsacker, L. V. (1999). An Experimental Evaluation Of The Consistency Of Competitive Ability And Agonistic Dominance In Different Social Contexts In Captive Bonobos. Behaviour, 136(4), 423–442.
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