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Acuna, B.D.; Sanes, J.N.; Donoghue, J.P. Cognitive mechanisms of transitive inference 2002 Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Experimentation cerebrale 602 146 1-10 details   doi
Adler, L.L.; Adler, H.E. Ontogeny of observational learning in the dog (Canis familiaris) 1977 Developmental Psychobiology 5186 10 267-271 details   doi
Albentosa, M.J.; Kjaer, J.B.; Nicol, C.J. Strain and age differences in behaviour, fear response and pecking tendency in laying hens 2003 British poultry science 80 44 333-344 details   openurl
Alexander, F. The effect of some anti-diarrhoeal drugs on intestinal transit and faecal excretion of water and electrolytes in the horse 1978 Equine veterinary journal 110 10 229-234 details   openurl
Alexander, F. Multiple fistulation of the horse's large intestine 1970 The British veterinary journal 115 126 604-606 details   openurl
Alexander, F. A study of parotid salivation in the horse 1966 The Journal of physiology 119 184 646-656 details   openurl
Alexander, F. The preparation of Biebl loops and Thiry-Vella fistulae of the ileum of the horse 1951 The Journal of physiology 128 115 63-4 P details   openurl
Allen, C. Assessing animal cognition: ethological and philosophical perspectives 1998 Journal of Animal Science 2750 76 42-47 details   openurl
Altmann, H.J.; Hertel, J.; Drepper, K. [Nutritional physiology of the horse. 3. Protein values in the gastrointestinal tract of slaughtered horses] 1970 Zeitschrift fur Tierphysiologie, Tierernahrung und Futtermittelkunde 135 26 245-252 details   openurl
Amdam, G.V.; Csondes, A.; Fondrk, M.K.; Page, R.E.J. Complex social behaviour derived from maternal reproductive traits 2006 Nature 531 439 76-78 details   doi
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