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Bergvall, U. A., Schäpers, A., Kjellander, P., & Weiss, A. (). Personality and foraging decisions in fallow deer, Dama dama. Anim. Behav., In Press, Corrected Proof.
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Christensen, J. W., Keeling, L. J., & Nielsen, B. L. (2005). Responses of horses to novel visual, olfactory and auditory stimuli. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 93(1-2), 53–65.
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Lansade, L., Bouissou, M. - F., & Erhard, H. W. (2008). Fearfulness in horses: A temperament trait stable across time and situations. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 115(3-4), 182–200.
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