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Forkman, B.; Boissy, A.; Meunier-Salaün, M.-C.; Canali, E.; Jones, R.B. A critical review of fear tests used on cattle, pigs, sheep, poultry and horses 2007 Physiology & Behavior 4811 92 340-374 details   doi
Graf, P.; König von Borstel, U.; Gauly, M. Practical considerations regarding the implementation of a temperament test into horse performance tests: Results of a large-scale test run 2014 Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research 5867 9 329-340 details   doi
Russell, C.L.; Bard, K.A.; Adamson, L.B. Social referencing by young chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) 1997 Journal of Comparative Psychology 5603 111 185-191 details   doi
Schwarz, S.; Marr, I.; Farmer, K.; Graf, K.; Stefanski, V.; Krueger, K. Does Carrying a Rider Change Motor and Sensory Laterality in Horses? 2022 Animals 6667 12 992 details   doi
Stöwe, M. & Kotrschal, K. Behavioural phenotypes may determine whether social context facilitates or delays novel object exploration in ravens. 2007 International Journal of Ornithology 4507 148 179-184 details   doi
Visser, E.K.; Ellis, A.D.; Van Reenen, C.G. The effect of two different housing conditions on the welfare of young horses stabled for the first time 2008 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6630 114 521-533 details   doi
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