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Crystal, J.D. Systematic nonlinearities in the perception of temporal intervals 1999 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Animal Behavior Processes 2776 25 3-17 details   openurl
Hasenjager, M.J.; Dugatkin, L.A. Social Network Analysis in Behavioral Ecology 5863 details   doi
Krause, J.; Croft, D.; James, R. Social network theory in the behavioural sciences: potential applications 2007 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 5171 62 15-27 details   doi
Newman, M.E.J. The Structure and Function of Complex Networks 2003 SIAM Review 5214 45 167-256 details   doi
Scheibe, K.M.; Gromann, C. Application testing of a new three-dimensional acceleration measuring system with wireless data transfer (WAS) for behavior analysis 2006 Behavior research methods 1775 38 427-433 details   openurl
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