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Aureli, F., Preston, S. D., & de Waal, F. B. (1999). Heart rate responses to social interactions in free-moving rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta): a pilot study. J Comp Psychol, 113(1), 59–65.
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Barrey, E., & Galloux, P. (1997). Analysis of the equine jumping technique by accelerometry. Equine Vet J Suppl, (23), 45–49.
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Brooks, C. J., & Harris, S. (2008). Directed movement and orientation across a large natural landscape by zebras, Equus burchelli antiquorum. Anim. Behav., 76(2), 277–285.
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Burton, A. C., Neilson, E., Moreira, D., Ladle, A., Steenweg, R., Fisher, J. T., et al. (2015). REVIEW: Wildlife camera trapping: a review and recommendations for linking surveys to ecological processes. J Appl Ecol, 52(3), 675–685.
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Bystrom, A., Roepstorff, L., & Johnston, C. (2006). Effects of draw reins on limb kinematics. Equine Vet J Suppl, (36), 452–456.
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de Oliveira, K., Soutello, R. V. G., da Fonseca, R., Costa, C., de L. Meirelles, P. R., Fachiolli, D. F., et al. (2015). Gymnastic Training and Dynamic Mobilization Exercises Improve Stride Quality and Increase Epaxial Muscle Size in Therapy Horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 35(11), 888–893.
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