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Alves, C.; Chichery, R.; Boal, J.G.; Dickel, L. Orientation in the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis: response versus place learning 2007 Animal Cognition 2461 10 29-36 details   doi
Barnard, C.J.; Luo, N. Acquisition of dominance status affects maze learning in mice 2002 Behavioural Processes 2075 60 53-59 details   doi
Bosch, O.J.; Nair, H.P.; Ahern, T.H.; Neumann, I.D.; Young, L.J. The CRF System Mediates Increased Passive Stress-Coping Behavior Following the Loss of a Bonded Partner in a Monogamous Rodent 2008 5731 34 1406-1415 details   doi
Broucek, J.; Ksac, P.; Uhrincat, M. The effect of sire line on learning and locomotor behaviour of heifers 2003 Czech Journal of Animal Science 4322 48 387-394 details   openurl
BROUCEK,J.; UHRINCAT,M.; ARAVE,C. W.; FRIEND,T. H.; MIHINA,S.; KISAC,P.; HANUS, A. Effects of Rearing Methods of Heifers during Milk Replacement Period 2002 Czech Journal of Animal Science 4323 71 509-516 details   openurl
Cohen, J.; Pardy, S.; Solway, H.; Graham, H. Chunking versus foraging search patterns by rats in the hierarchically baited radial maze 2003 Animal Cognition 2574 6 93-104 details   doi
Dudchenko, P.A.; Davidson, M. Rats use a sense of direction to alternate on T-mazes located in adjacent rooms 2002 Animal Cognition 2608 5 115-118 details   doi
Fragaszy, D.; Johnson-Pynn, J.; Hirsh, E.; Brakke, K. Strategic navigation of two-dimensional alley mazes: comparing capuchin monkeys and chimpanzees 2003 Animal Cognition 2557 6 149-160 details   doi
Gibson, B.M.; Shettleworth, S.J. Place versus response learning revisited: tests of blocking on the radial maze 2005 Behavioral neuroscience 362 119 567-586 details   doi
Gibson, B.M.; Shettleworth, S.J.; McDonald, R.J. Finding a goal on dry land and in the water: differential effects of disorientation on spatial learning 2001 Behavioural brain research 372 123 103-111 details   openurl
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