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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Austin, N.P.; Rogers, L.J. Lateralization of agonistic and vigilance responses in Przewalski horses (Equus przewalskii) 2014 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5768 151 43-50 details   doi
Austin, N.P.; Rogers, L.J. Limb preferences and lateralization of aggression, reactivity and vigilance in feral horses, Equus caballus 2012 Animal Behaviour 5651 83 239-247 details   doi
McGreevy, P.D.; Rogers, L.J. Motor and sensory laterality in thoroughbred horses 2005 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1827 92 337-352 details   doi
Rogers, L.J. A Matter of Degree: Strength of Brain Asymmetry and Behaviour 2017 Symmetry 6167 details   doi
Rogers, L.J. Relevance of brain and behavioural lateralization to animal welfare 2010 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5296 127 1-11 details   doi
Siniscalchi, M.; Padalino, B.; Lusito, R.; Quaranta, A. Is the left forelimb preference indicative of a stressful situation in horses? 2014 Behavioural Processes 6041 107 61-67 details   doi
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