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Ahrendt, L. P., Labouriau, R., Malmkvist, J., Nicol, C. J., & Christensen, J. W. (2015). Development of a standard test to assess negative reinforcement learning in horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 169, 38–42.
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Baumgartner, M., Boisson, T., Erhard, M. H., & Zeitler-Feicht, M. H. (2020). Common Feeding Practices Pose A Risk to the Welfare of Horses When Kept on Non-Edible Bedding. Animals, 10, 441.
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Benz, B., Köhnke, J., & Kappelmann, K. (2014). Bewertung einer Faltschieberanlage in einem Reitstall mit Paddockboxen[Assessment of a v-form scraper in a horse barn with paddock boxes]. Landtechnik, Agricultural Engineering,, 68(4), 242–247.
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Brubaker, L., & Udell, M. A. R. (2016). Cognition and learning in horses (Equus caballus): What we know and why we should ask more. Behavioural Processes, 126, 121–131.
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Heleski, C. R., McGreevy, P. D., Kaiser, L. J., Lavagnino, M., Tans, E., Bello, N., et al. (2009). Effects on behaviour and rein tension on horses ridden with or without martingales and rein inserts. The Veterinary Journal, 181(1), 56–62.
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