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Ben-Shahar, R Selectivity in large generalist herbivores: feeding patterns of African ungulates in a semi-arid habitat 1991 African Journal of Ecology 2226 29 302-315 details   doi
Dumont, B.; Boissy, A.; Achard, C.; Sibbald, A.M.; Erhard, H.W. Consistency of animal order in spontaneous group movements allows the measurement of leadership in a group of grazing heifers 2005 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2027 95 55-66 details   doi
Goddard, P.J.; Summers, R.W.; Macdonald, A.J.; Murray, C.; Fawcett, A.R. Behavioural responses of red deer to fences of five different designs 2001 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2101 73 289-298 details   doi
Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Degezelle, T.; Demeulenaere, E.; Laquiere, J.; Vandenberghe, C.; Hoffmann, M. Eliminative behaviour of free-ranging horses: do they show latrine behaviour or do they defecate where they graze? 2004 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2339 86 105-121 details   doi
Lamoot, I.; Callebaut, J.; Demeulenaere, E.; Vandenberghe, C.; Hoffmann, M. Foraging behaviour of donkeys grazing in a coastal dune area in temperate climate conditions 2005 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2338 92 93-112 details   doi
Sibbald, A.M.; Elston, D.A.; Smith, D.J.F.; Erhard, H.W. A method for assessing the relative sociability of individuals within groups: an example with grazing sheep 2005 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 317 91 57-73 details   doi
Smith, L.A.; Wells, K.L.; Marion, G.; Swain, D.L.; Hutchings, M.R. Effects of group composition on the grazing behaviour of herbivores Animal Behaviour. 5155 In Press, Corrected Proof details   doi
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