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Christensen, J. W. (2012). Object habituation in horses: Voluntary vs. negatively reinforced approach to frightening stimuli. In K. Krueger (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting (Vol. in press). Wald: Xenophon Publishing.
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Christensen, J. W., Ahrendt, L. P., Lintrup, R., Gaillard, C., Palme, R., & Malmkvist, J. (2012). Does learning performance in horses relate to fearfulness, baseline stress hormone, and social rank? In Applied Animal Behaviour Science (Vol. 140, pp. 44–52).
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h:, M., Lévy, F., Fortin, M., Leterrier, C., & LansadLansade, L. (2013). Stress and temperament affect working memory performance for disappearing food in horses, Equus caballus. Animal Behaviour, 86(6), 1233–1240.
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Lansade, L., & Simon, F. (2010). Horses' learning performances are under the influence of several temperamental dimensions. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 125(1-2), 30–37.
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Lansade, L., Bertrand, M., Boivin, X., & Bouissou, M. - F. (2004). Effects of handling at weaning on manageability and reactivity of foals. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 87(1-2), 131–149.
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Lansade, L., Bouissou, M. - F., & Erhard, H. W. (2008). Fearfulness in horses: A temperament trait stable across time and situations. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 115(3-4), 182–200.
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Valenchon, M., Lévy, F., Górecka-Bruzda, A., Calandreau, L., & Lansade, L. (2013). Characterization of long-term memory, resistance to extinction, and influence of temperament during two instrumental tasks in horses. Animal Cognition, 16(6), 1001–1006.
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