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Daniels, T.J.; Bekoff, M. Feralization: The making of wild domestic animals 1989 Behavioural Processes 4580 19 79-94 details   doi
Gácsi, M; Györi, B; Miklósi, Á; Virányi, Z; Kubinyi, E; Topál,J; Csányi, V Species-specific differences and similarities in the behavior of hand-raised dog and wolf pups in social situations with humans 2005 Developmental Psychobiology 4985 47 111-122 details   doi
Goodwin, D. The importance of ethology in understanding the behaviour of the horse 1999 Equine Veterinary Journal 6714 31 15-19 details   doi
Kavar, T.; Dovc, P. Domestication of the horse: Genetic relationships between domestic and wild horses 2008 Livestock Science 4771 116 1-14 details   doi
Keil, N.M., Sambraus, H.H. “Intervenors” in agonistic interactions amongst domesticated goats 1998 Zeitschrift fur Säugetierkunde 5236 63 266-272 details   url
Kruska, D.C.T. Comparative quantitative investigations on brains of wild cavies (Cavia aperea) and guinea pigs (Cavia aperea f. porcellus). A contribution to size changes of CNS structures due to domestication 2014 Mammalian Biology – Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 6401 79 230-239 details   doi
McGrogan, C.; Hutchison, M.D.; King, J.E. Dimensions of horse personality based on owner and trainer supplied personality traits 2008 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4337 113 206-214 details   doi
Price, E.O. Behavioral development in animals undergoing domestication 1999 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5663 65 245-271 details   doi
Proops, L.; Walton, M.; McComb, K. The use of human-given cues by domestic horses, Equus caballus, during an object choice task 2010 Animal Behaviour. 5083 79 1205-1209 details   doi
Smith, B.; Litchfield, C. Dingoes (Canis dingo) can use human social cues to locate hidden food 2010 Animal Cognition 5116 13 367-376 details   doi
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