Denoix, J. M. (1991). Approche mecanique des allures et du saut chez le cheval. Science & Sports, 6(2), 117–124.
Abstract: Resume La locomotion du cheval implique des contraintes mecaniques elevees sur les os, les articulations, les muscles et les tendons. Son etude permet de mieux connaitre les interventions actives ou passives de ces organes au cours des allures et du saut. Ces elements sont utiles pour la mise en oeuvre rationnelle d'exercices d'entrainement chez le cheval de sport ou de courses, en fonction des exigences de la discipline et des eventuels problemes locomoteurs du sujet. L'etude mecanique de la locomotion du cheval est par ailleurs indispensable pour l'amelioration de la connaissance des boiteries. Elle permet de preciser la genese des lesions osteoarticulaires et musculo-tendineuses et contribue a ameliorer leur traitement.Summary Locomotion of the horse is correlated with a great variety of mechanical stresses on bones, joints, muscles and tendons. Research on locomotion increases the knowledge of passive and active interventions of these structures during gaits and jump. These data are useful to manage the training of sport and jump horses, especially to fit with the particularities of the sport speciality and individual locomotor problems of horses. Beside, studies of locomotion in the horse are of importance to improve the knowledge of lamenesses. They contribute to precise the pathogenesis of osteoarticular and musculotendinous injuries and improve their treatment.
Fleurance, G., Duncan, P., & Mallevaud, B. (2001). Daily intake and the selection of feeding sites by horses in heterogeneous wet grasslands. Anim. Res., 50, 149–156.
Abstract: In spite of the importance of grazed forage in horse nutrition, little information is available on their daily intake at pasture. We determined the intake of 4 non-breeding mares of a heavy breed (average body weight = 674 kg), grazing during the summer in heterogeneous natural grasslands of the Marais Poitevin (France), an internationally important wetland where grazing is an essential process which maintains biodiversity. The mares ate large quantities of forage (21.9 $pm$ 2.4 kg of organic matter per day, i.e. 166.2 $pm$ 20.8 g of organic matter per kg LW0.75 per day) in comparison with previous published values and with the estimated requirements of these horses. The use of the vegetation was very selective, the mares spent about 70% of their feeding time on short grass lawns (sward surface $leq$ 4 cm, biomass < 100 g$cdot$m-2), that represented only 10% of the area. This behaviour maintained the plants at young growing stages which are of better quality than ungrazed plants. These results are discussed in relation to the dynamics of the plant communities.