Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
Links |
Lyn, H.; Savage-Rumbaugh, E.S. |
Observational word learning in two bonobos (Pan paniscus): ostensive and non-ostensive contexts |
2000 |
Language & Communication |
4675 |
20 |
255-273 |
Palagi, E. |
Sharing the motivation to play: the use of signals in adult bonobos |
2008 |
Animal Behaviour. |
4316 |
75 |
887-896 |
Uher, J.; Asendorpf, J.B.; Call, J. |
Personality in the behaviour of great apes: temporal stability, cross-situational consistency and coherence in response |
2008 |
Animal Behaviour. |
4278 |
75 |
99-112 |
Vervaecke, H.; Vries, H.D.; Elsacker, L.V. |
An Experimental Evaluation Of The Consistency Of Competitive Ability And Agonistic Dominance In Different Social Contexts In Captive Bonobos |
1999 |
Behaviour |
2195 |
136 |
423-442 |