Conradt, L., & Roper, T. J. (2010). Deciding group movements: Where and when to go. Behav. Process., 84(3), 675–677.
Abstract: A group of animals can only move cohesively, if group members “somehow” reach a consensus about the timing (e.g., start) and the spatial direction/destination of the collective movement. Timing and spatial decisions usually differ with respect to the continuity of their cost/benefit distribution in such a way that, in principle, compromises are much more feasible in timing decision (e.g. median preferred time) than they are in spatial decisions. The consequence is that consensus costs connected to collective timing decisions are usually less skewed amongst group members than are consensus costs connected to spatial decisions. This, in turn, influences the evolution of decision sharing: sharing in timing decisions is most likely to evolve when conflicts are high relative to group cohesion benefits, while sharing in spatial decisions is most likely to evolve in the opposite situation. We discuss the implications of these differences for the study of collective movement decisions.
James, R., Bennett, P. G., & Krause, J. (2004). Geometry for mutualistic and selfish herds: the limited domain of danger. J. Theor. Biol., 228(1), 107–113.
Abstract: We present a two-dimensional individual-based model of aggregation behaviour in animals by introducing the concept of a “limited domain of danger”, which represents either a limited detection range or a limited attack range of predators. The limited domain of danger provides a suitable framework for the analysis of individual movement rules under real-life conditions because it takes into account the predator's prey detection and capture abilities. For the first time, a single geometrical construct can be used to analyse the predation risk of both peripheral and central individuals in a group. Furthermore, our model provides a conceptual framework that can be equally applied to aggregation behaviour and refuge use and thus presents a conceptual advance on current theory that treats these antipredator behaviours separately. An analysis of individual movement rules using limited domains of danger showed that the time minimization strategy outcompetes the nearest neighbour strategy proposed by Hamilton's (J. Theor. Biol. 31 (1971) 295) selfish herd model, whereas a random strategy confers no benefit and can even be disadvantageous. The superior performance of the time minimization strategy highlights the importance of taking biological constraints, such as an animal's orientation relative to its neighbours, into account when searching for efficient movement rules underlying the aggregation process.
Levin, L. E. (1996). Passage order through different pathways in groups of schooling fish, and the diversified leadership hypothesis. Behav. Process., 37(1), 1–8.
Abstract: The diversified leadership hypothesis proposes that different individuals within a school of fish act as leaders in different circumstances. This `circumstantial leadership' results from inter-individual behavioral variability and a `cohesion-dispersion' tendency modulated by `failure-success' contingencies. The hypothesis predicts that when offered different pathways to escape the restriction of their swimming space, individuals within a group of fish will show 1. (a) consistent passage orders in each pathway, but2. (b) different passage orders in different pathways. Using an avoidance paddle and three different groups of fish (Aphyocharax erithrurus) the results confirmed prediction 1. (a) while prediction2. (b) was verified only in one group.
Spengler M.I., & Rasia M. (2001). Influence of Plasma Proteins on Erythrocyte Aggregation in Three Mammalian Species. Vet.Res.Comm, 25(7), 591–599.
Abstract: The aggregation capacity of human erythrocytes lies between that of the non-aggregating bovine erythrocytes and the remarkably aggregating equine ones. As the ability to aggregate is attributed to cell factors and the composition of the plasma proteins, the role that plasma proteins play in the aggregation process in these three species was studied. Washed erythrocytes were suspended in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4, 300 mOsm/L) plus polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) in a suitable concentration to obtain an average intensity of aggregation (control media). The superimposed effect of replacing 80% of the medium by either autologous plasma, serum or albumin solution was studied. The plasma proteins appeared to enhance aggregation by human and equine erythrocytes, but impaired this process in bovine erythrocytes. Some evidence was obtained supporting the existence of serum factors capable of reducing aggregation of erythrocytes in cattle and it was concluded that the non-aggregating behaviour of bovine erythrocytes may be due to the cells interacting particularly with the macromolecules in the serum.
Weeks, J. W., Crowell-Davis, S. L., Caudle, A. B., & Heusner, G. L. (2000). Aggression and social spacing in light horse (Equus caballus) mares and foals. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 68(4), 319–337.
Abstract: Aggression and social spacing were studied in 14 light horse mares and their foals living at pasture. Focal samples were collected on each mare-foal dyad for 6 to 10.5 h from 2 months of foal age until weaning at approximately 4 months of age. Observations on foals continued until approximately 6 months of age for 7.5 to 10.5 h per foal. Every 2 min the identities of all individuals within 5 m were recorded. All occurrences of agonistic behavior, and the participants, were recorded during the focal samples. In addition, during feeding of supplemental grain, all occurrences of agonistic behavior by all subjects were recorded. Significant correlations were found between mare rank and the rank of foals both prior to and after weaning. Before weaning, the rank of the foal was significantly correlated with birth order. No significant correlation between birth order and foal rank was found for the post-weaning hierarchy. An animal's gender had no significant effect on foal rank or the choice of preferred associate. Both prior to and after weaning, foals associated preferentially with the foal of their dam's most preferred associate. In addition, significant positive correlations were found between rank of mares and foals and the rate at which they directed aggression to other herd members. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.