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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Alexander, D.J. Ecological aspects of influenza A viruses in animals and their relationship to human influenza: a review 1982 Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 2689 75 799-811 details   openurl
Barwick, R.S.; Mohammed, H.O.; McDonough, P.L.; White, M.E. Epidemiologic features of equine Leptospira interrogans of human significance 1998 Preventive Veterinary Medicine 2653 36 153-165 details   openurl
Beveridge, W.I. Unravelling the ecology of influenza A virus 1993 History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 2667 15 23-32 details   openurl
Kida, H. [Ecology of influenza viruses in animals and the mechanism of emergence of new pandemic strains] 1997 Nippon Rinsho. Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 2654 55 2521-2526 details   openurl
Stout, I.J.; Clifford, C.M.; Keirans, J.E.; Portman, R.W. Dermacentor variabilis (Say) (Acarina: Ixodidae) established in southeastern Washington and northern Idaho 1971 Journal of Medical Entomology 2729 8 143-147 details   openurl
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