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Bystrom, A.; Roepstorff, L.; Johnston, C. Effects of draw reins on limb kinematics 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3701 452-456 details   openurl
Clayton, H.M.; Lanovaz, J.L.; Schamhardt, H.C.; van Wessum, R. The effects of a rider's mass on ground reaction forces and fetlock kinematics at the trot 1999 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3733 30 218-221 details   openurl
Davies, H.M.S. The timing and distribution of strains around the surface of the midshaft of the third metacarpal bone during treadmill exercise in one Thoroughbred racehorse 2005 Australian Veterinary Journal 1891 83 157-162 details   openurl
Gomez Alvarez, C.B.; Rhodin, M.; Bobber, M.F.; Meyer, H.; Weishaupt, M.A.; Johnston, C.; Van Weeren, P.R. The effect of head and neck position on the thoracolumbar kinematics in the unridden horse 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3702 445-451 details   openurl
Licka, T.; Kapaun, M.; Peham, C. Influence of rider on lameness in trotting horses 2004 Equine Veterinary Journal 3715 36 734-736 details   openurl
Meershoek, L.S.; Roepstorff, L.; Schamhardt, H.C.; Johnston, C.; Bobbert, M.F. Joint moments in the distal forelimbs of jumping horses during landing 2001 Equine Veterinary Journal 3787 33 410-415 details   openurl
Meershoek, L.S.; Schamhardt, H.C.; Roepstorff, L.; Johnston, C. Forelimb tendon loading during jump landings and the influence of fence height 2001 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 3786 6-10 details   openurl
Powers, P.; Harrison, A. Effects of the rider on the linear kinematics of jumping horses 2002 Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports 1904 1 135-146 details   openurl
Summerley, H.L.; Thomason, J.J.; Bignell, W.W. Effect of rider and riding style on deformation of the front hoof wall in warmblood horses 1998 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 1934 81-85 details   openurl
Wennerstrand, J.; Johnston, C.; Roethlisberger-Holm, K.; Erichsen, C.; Eksell, P.; Drevemo, S. Kinematic evaluation of the back in the sport horse with back pain 2004 Equine Veterinary Journal 3656 36 707-711 details   openurl
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