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Abeyesinghe, S. M., Nicol, C. J., Wathes. C.M., & Randall, J. M. (2001). Development of a raceway method to assess aversion of domestic fowl to concurrent stressors. Behav. Process., 56(3), 175–194.
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Candura, S. M., Verni, P., Minelli, C. M., Rosso, G. L., Cappelli, M. I., Strambi, S., et al. (2006). [Occupational risks among public safety and security forces]. G Ital Med Lav Ergon, 28(1), 53–62.
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Wilson, A. M., McGuigan, M. P., Su, A., & van Den Bogert, A. J. (2001). Horses damp the spring in their step. Nature, 414(6866), 895–899.
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