Kumar, P., Timoney, J. F., Southgate, H. H., & Sheoran, A. S. (2000). Light and scanning electron microscopic studies of the nasal turbinates of the horse. Anat Histol Embryol, 29(2), 103–109.
Abstract: The nasal turbinates of 5 young horses were studied by light and scanning electron-microscopy. Stratified cuboidal epithelium lined the rostral part of the dorsal and ventral nasal turbinates of the vestibular region. The polyangular microvillus cells of this region were separated by linear depressions. The mid and caudal parts of the dorsal and ventral nasal turbinates and the rostral part of the ethmoturbinates were lined by pseudostratified columnar ciliated respiratory epithelium. Numerous cilia with dilated blebs on the ciliated cells concealed adjacent non-ciliated supporting cells and goblet cells. The olfactory zone consisting of the olfactory vesicle and a dense network of olfactory cilia localized to the caudal part of the ethmoturbinates. The three regions were delineated from each other by transitional zones.