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Galef, B.G. Imitation and local enhancement: Detrimental effects of consensus definitions on analyses of social learning in animals 2013 Behavioural Processes 6419 100 123-130 details   doi
López-Bao, J.V.; Sazatornil, V.; Llaneza, L.; Rodríguez, A. Indirect Effects on Heathland Conservation and Wolf Persistence of Contradictory Policies that Threaten Traditional Free-Ranging Horse Husbandry 2013 Conservation Letters 6211 6 448-455 details   doi
López-Bao, J.V.; Sazatornil, V.; Llaneza, L.; Rodríguez, A. Indirect Effects on Heathland Conservation and Wolf Persistence of Contradictory Policies that Threaten Traditional Free-Ranging Horse Husbandry 2013 Conservation Letters 6622 6 448-455 details   doi
López-Bao, J.V.; Sazatornil, V.; Llaneza, L.; Rodríguez, A. Indirect Effects on Heathland Conservation and Wolf Persistence of Contradictory Policies that Threaten Traditional Free-Ranging Horse Husbandry 2013 Conservation Letters 6685 6 448-455 details   doi
Machmoum, M.; Badaoui, B.; Petit, D.; Germot, A.; El Alaoui, M.A.; Boujenane, I.; Piro, M. Genetic Diversity and Maternal Phylogenetic Relationships among Populations and Strains of Arabian Show Horses 2023 6709 details   doi
Wilson, R.T. Biodiversity of Domestic Livestock in the Republic of Yemen 2003 Tropical Animal Health and Production 4389 35 27-46 details   doi
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