A. Lanata, A. Guidi, G. Valenza, P. Baragli, & E. P. Scilingo. (2016). Quantitative heartbeat coupling measures in human-horse interaction. In 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 2696–2699). 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (E.
Abstract: Abstract— We present a study focused on a quantitative estimation of a human-horse dynamic interaction. A set of measures based on magnitude and phase coupling between heartbeat dynamics of both humans and horses in three different conditions is reported: no interaction, visual/olfactory interaction and grooming. Specifically, Magnitude Squared Coherence (MSC), Mean Phase Coherence (MPC) and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) have been used as estimators of the amount of coupling between human and horse through the analysis of their heart rate variability (HRV) time series in a group of eleven human subjects, and one horse. The rationale behind this study is that the interaction of two complex biological systems go towards a coupling process whose dynamical evolution is modulated by the kind and time duration of the interaction itself. We achieved a congruent and consistent
statistical significant difference for all of the three indices. Moreover, a Nearest Mean Classifier was able to recognize the three classes of interaction with an accuracy greater than 70%. Although preliminary, these encouraging results allow a discrimination of three distinct phases in a real human-animal interaction opening to the characterization of the empirically proven relationship between human and horse.
Acuna, B. D., Sanes, J. N., & Donoghue, J. P. (2002). Cognitive mechanisms of transitive inference. Exp Brain Res, 146(1), 1–10.
Abstract: We examined how the brain organizes interrelated facts during learning and how the facts are subsequently manipulated in a transitive inference (TI) paradigm (e.g., if A<B and B<C, then A<C). This task determined features such as learned facts and behavioral goals, but the learned facts could be organized in any of several ways. For example, if one learns a list by operating on paired items, the pairs may be stored individually as separate facts and reaction time (RT) should decrease with learning. Alternatively, the pairs may be stored as a single, unified list, which may yield a different RT pattern. We characterized RT patterns that occurred as participants learned, by trial and error, the predetermined order of 11 shapes. The task goal was to choose the shape occurring closer to the end of the list, and feedback about correctness was provided during this phase. RT increased even as its variance decreased during learning, suggesting that the learnt knowledge became progressively unified into a single representation, requiring more time to manipulate as participants acquired relational knowledge. After learning, non-adjacent (NA) list items were presented to examine how participants reasoned in a TI task. The task goal also required choosing from each presented pair the item occurring closer to the list end, but without feedback. Participants could solve the TI problems by applying formal logic to the previously learnt pairs of adjacent items; alternatively, they could manipulate a single, unified representation of the list. Shorter RT occurred for NA pairs having more intervening items, supporting the hypothesis that humans employ unified mental representations during TI. The response pattern does not support mental logic solutions of applying inference rules sequentially, which would predict longer RT with more intervening items. We conclude that the brain organizes information in such a way that reflects the relations among the items, even if the facts were learned in an arbitrary order, and that this representation is subsequently used to make inferences.
Alexander, F. (1977). The effect of diuretics on the faecal excretion of water and electrolytes in horses. Br J Pharmacol, 60(4), 589–593.
Abstract: 1. The effect on plasma, urinary and faecal electrolytes of frusemide and hydrochlorthiazide was measured in ponies, mean weight 180 kg. 2. The rapid loss in urine of large quantities of sodium had only a small effect on plasma sodium concentration. 3. Faecal sodium excretion was increased substantially after the administration of frusemide. 4. Frusemide increased faecal potassium during the 48 h following administration and faecal water in the 24/48 h period. It also produced a hypopotassaemia. 5. Hydrochlorthiazide increased faecal chloride during the 24 h after administration. 6. Frusemide increased the intestinal transit time of both liquid (polyethylene glycol) and particulate (Cr2O3) markers.
Alexander, F., & Nicholson, J. D. (1968). The blood and saliva clearances of phenobarbitone and pentobarbitone in the horse. Biochem Pharmacol, 17(2), 203–210.
Autio, E., & Heiskanen, M. - L. (2005). Foal behaviour in a loose housing/paddock environment during winter. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 91(3-4), 277–288.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to establish some basic facts about weanling horse (Equus caballus) behaviour in a loose housing/paddock environment during winter. The behaviour of 10 foals (seven American Standardbred and three Finnish cold-blooded foals) was observed in a cold loose housing/paddock environment from December 2002 to March 2003. The time budget, circadian rhythm and effect of weather conditions on behaviour were examined. The foals were observed for a total of 23 24-h periods by video recording. The method used was instantaneous sampling (), where the locations of foals were noted at every 15 min along with the behaviour performed at that time. Temperature, humidity and wind speed were recorded three times a day. The foals spent 43.2 +/- 6.6% of the time in the sleeping hall (an insulated building with a deep-litter bed), 51.4 +/- 5.8% in the open paddock and 5.2 +/- 2.7% in the shelter (a two-sided, roofed entrance shelter in front of the sleeping hall). The time spent outdoors was greatest between the hours of 08:00 and 20:00, but the foals spent some time outdoors also at night. They spent most of the day eating hay (27.6 +/- 3.0%) (offered ad libitum), standing (25.5 +/- 2.8%) and resting (32.1 +/- 2.4%). The proportion of locomotive behaviour patterns was 5% of the observations. The foals in this study were able to perform species-specific behaviour patterns (resting, eating, being active) and to follow the natural circadian rhythm of these patterns. The behaviour of the foals did not change much as the temperature dropped from 0 to -20 [degree sign]C. The time spent in the sleeping hall did not increase greatly, nor the time spent eating, resting or lying close to each other (huddling). On the basis of their behaviour, the weanling horses did not seem to suffer from the cold environment.
Barrey, E., & Galloux, P. (1997). Analysis of the equine jumping technique by accelerometry. Equine Vet J Suppl, (23), 45–49.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the relationships between jumping technique and dorsoventral acceleration measured at the sternum. Eight saddle horses of various jumping abilities competed on a selective experimental show jumping course including 14 obstacles. An accelerometric belt fastened onto the thorax continuously measured the dorsoventral acceleration during the course. At each jump, 11 locomotor parameters (acceleration peaks, durations and stride frequency) were obtained from the dorsoventral acceleration-time curves. The type of obstacle significantly influenced the hindlimb acceleration peak at take-off and the landing acceleration peak (P<0.01). The poor jumpers exhibited a higher mean forelimb acceleration peak at take-off, a higher forelimb/hindlimb ratio between peaks of acceleration (F/H), and a lower approach stride frequency than good jumpers. Knocking over an obstacle was significantly associated with a low hindlimb acceleration peak at take-off and a high F/H ratio (P<0.01). In order to observe the continuous changes in the frequency domain of the dorsoventral acceleration during the approach and take-off phase, a Morlet's wavelet analysis was computed for each horse jumping over a series of 3 vertical obstacles. Different patterns of time-frequency images obtained by wavelet analysis were found when the horse either knocked over a vertical obstacle or cleared it. In the latter case, the image pattern showed an instantaneous increase in stride frequency at the end of the approach phase, and a marked energy content in the middle frequency range at take-off.
Bayley, P., Martin, S., & Anson, M. (1975). Temperature-jump circular dichroism: observation of chiroptical relaxation processes at millisecond time resolution. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 66(1), 303–308.
Bell, R. J. W., Kingston, J. K., Mogg, T. D., & Perkins, N. R. (2007). The prevalence of gastric ulceration in racehorses in New Zealand. N Z Vet J, 55(1), 13–18.
Abstract: AIM: To establish the prevalence and factors influencing the prevalence and severity of gastric ulceration in racehorses in New Zealand. METHODS: Horses (n=171) in active training for racing by trainers (n=24) located throughout New Zealand were examined using gastroscopy during 2003 and 2004. Images of the examination were recorded and reviewed, and an ordinal grade based on the severity of gastric ulceration present was assigned, using the grading system proposed by the Equine Gastric Ulcer Council (EGUC). Information about the horses such as age, breed, sex, stabling, time at pasture, pasture quality, and presence of clinical signs consistent with equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS) was recorded. RESULTS: Of the 171 horses in the study, 133 (78%) were Thoroughbreds and 38 (22%) were Standardbreds. Evidence of gastric ulceration was present in 151 (88.3%) of these. Prevalence of ulceration was higher at the lesser curvature (LC) and greater curvature (GC) of the stomach than at the saccus caecus (SC; p<0.01), and ulceration was more severe at the LC than at either the GC (p=0.02) or the SC (p<0.001). The prevalence of ulceration did not differ between the two breeds (p=0.51) or between horses of differing ages (p=0.56). Gastric ulceration was evident in 125/141 (89%) horses kept at pasture for at least 4 h/day, in all 13 (100%) horses kept at pasture full time, and in 16/17 (94%) horses stabled full time. Prevalence and severity of ulceration did not differ between horses stabled full time, kept at pasture for part of the day or kept at pasture full time (p=0.33 and 0.13, respectively), and for horses grazed on pasture severity of ulceration did not vary significantly with the quality of the pasture (p=0.12). Neither prevalence (p=0.26) nor severity (p=0.49) of gastric ulceration varied significantly with duration of training. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of gastric ulceration in racehorses in New Zealand is similar to that reported elsewhere for horses in active training for racing. Access to pasture for some or all of the day did not appear to be protective.
Benhajali, H., Richard-Yris, M. - A., Leroux, M., Ezzaouia, M., Charfi, F., & Hausberger, M. (2008). A note on the time budget and social behaviour of densely housed horses: A case study in Arab breeding mares. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 112(1-2), 196–200.
Abstract: We observed a high-density herd (200 mares/ha) of 44 Arab breeding mares, while in a bare paddock in Tunisia. Twenty-minute animal focal samples and scan sampling were used to determine the time budget of the mares during the period from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and study their social behaviour. The data obtained reveal restricted behavioural repertoires with missing behaviour like rolling, allogrooming and lying down; unusual time budgets with a high frequency of locomotion that constitutes the most frequent activity (27.9 ± 19.47%) of the mares. Social interactions were restricted to agonistic interactions but despite the high stocking density, aggressions were not that frequent among mares.
Benz, B., Köhnke, J., & Kappelmann, K. (2014). Bewertung einer Faltschieberanlage in einem Reitstall mit Paddockboxen[Assessment of a v-form scraper in a horse barn with paddock boxes]. Landtechnik, Agricultural Engineering,, 68(4), 242–247.
Abstract: In der vorliegenden Untersuchung werden in einem Praxisbetrieb die Verfahrenskosten eines
Faltschiebers erhoben. Aufgrund des reduzierten Arbeitszeitaufwandes ergibt sich durch den
Einsatz des Faltschiebers eine jährliche Kostenersparnis in Höhe von 78 € je Pferd. Durch die
Mechanisierung der Entmistung kann fast 30 % der Arbeitszeit in der Pensionspferdehaltung
eingespart werden. Beim Einsatz einer Entmistungstechnik spielt jedoch nicht nur die Ökonomie,
sondern darüber hinaus auch das Pferdeverhalten eine Rolle. Im selben Praxisbetrieb wird
nach Installation der Faltschieberanlage das Pferdeverhalten beim Erstkontakt mit dem Schieber
beobachtet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Pferde den direkten Kontakt mit der Entmistungstechnik
und somit kritische Situationen vermeiden.
[In the survey at hand, the procedural costs for a v-form scraper are gathered. In the process,
it is found that due to the reduced working time requirement the use of a v-form scraper
saves € 78/horse/year. The mechanization of manure removal can reduce working time in
horse keeping by almost 30 percent. However, using manure removal systems, the profitability
is not the only crucial criteria. The behaviour of the horses plays an essential role, too.
Moreover the horses’ behaviour when first encountering the manure scraper is observed. The
study reveals that the horses avoid contact with the scraper and thereby also shirk critical