Theodoropoulou, P., & Youlatos, D. (2012). Prevalence of stereotypies amongst Thoroughbred race horses (Equus caballus) in Greece. In K. Krueger (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting (Vol. in press). Wald: Xenophon Publishing.
Abstract: Thoroughbred horses are keen to develop stereotypies in higher rates compared to other breeds. In Greece, race horses are exclusively thoroughbreds, which are intensively kept under strict environments. Our study, the first of its kind in Greece, explores the prevalence of stereotypic behaviour in these horses and its interrelation to intrinsic and management factors. For these purposes, we recorded intrinsic (age, gender, indoors and outdoors temperament, playfulness, etc.) and management parameters (time spent out, number of horses per groom, etc.) in association with established stereotypic behaviours (box walking, weaving, head nodding, wind sucking, bed eating) in 209 horses in the Markopoulo Race Track, Attica, Greece. Our analysis showed an overall prevalence of 46.6 %, which is way too high compared to those reported for other race horses worldwide. Furthermore, box walking was strongly associated with indoors temperament (p=0.012), playfulness (p=0.03), and horses per groom (p<0.001). Bed eating with gender (p=0.009), outdoors temperament (p=0.018) and playfulness (p=0.004), while head nodding with indoors and outdoors temperament (p=0.001 and p=0.002, respectively). These results corroborate with previous investigations in other race horses, and indicate the importance of intrinsic factors in developing stereotypies in Thoroughbreds.