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Jennings, D.J. Limited evidence that visual lateralization is associated with fitness in rutting male fallow deer 2014 Animal Behaviour 5802 92 85-91 details   doi
Jennings, D.J.; Carlin, C.M.; Gammell, M.P. A winner effect supports third-party intervention behaviour during fallow deer, Dama dama, fights 2009 Animal Behaviour. 4946 77 343-348 details   doi
Krueger, K.; Schneider, G.; Flauger, B.; Heinze, J. Context-dependent third-party intervention in agonistic encounters of male Przewalski horses 2015 Behavioural Processes 5925 121 54-62 details   doi
Schneider, G.; Krueger, K. Third-party interventions keep social partners from exchanging affiliative interactions with others 2012 Animal Behaviour 5492 83 377-387 details   doi
Ward, C.; Trisko, R.; Smuts, B.B. Third-party interventions in dyadic play between littermates of domestic dogs, Canis lupus familiaris 2009 Animal Behaviour. 5090 78 1153-1160 details   doi
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