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Bast, T.F.; Whitney, E.; Benach, J.L. Considerations on the ecology of several arboviruses in eastern Long Island 1973 The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2715 22 109-115 details   openurl
Bazovska, S.; Awad-Masalmeh, M.; Kmety, E.; Spalekova, M. [Legionella antibodies in domestic animals] 1992 Ceskoslovenska Epidemiologie, Mikrobiologie, Imunologie 2669 41 268-273 details   openurl
Bertram, D.S. Mosquitoes of British Honduras, with some comments on malaria, and on arbovirus antibodies in man and equines 1971 Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2732 65 742-762 details   openurl
Chenoweth, P.J.; Chase, C.C.; Larsen, R.E.; Thatcher, M.-J.D.; Bivens, J.F.; Wilcox, C.J. The assessment of sexual performance in young Bos taurus and Bos indicus beef bulls 1996 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2865 48 225-235 details   doi
Dargatz, D.A.; Traub-Dargatz, J.L. Multidrug-resistant Salmonella and nosocomial infections 2004 The Veterinary Clinics of North America. Equine Practice 2632 20 587-600 details   doi
Donnelly, J.; Phipps, L.P.; Watkins, K.L. Evidence of maternal antibodies to Babesia equi and B caballi in foals of seropositive mares 1982 Equine Veterinary Journal 2280 14 126-128 details   doi
Fragaszy, D.; Johnson-Pynn, J.; Hirsh, E.; Brakke, K. Strategic navigation of two-dimensional alley mazes: comparing capuchin monkeys and chimpanzees 2003 Animal Cognition 2557 6 149-160 details   doi
Fulhorst, C.F.; Hardy, J.L.; Eldridge, B.F.; Chiles, R.E.; Reeves, W.C. Ecology of Jamestown Canyon virus (Bunyaviridae: California serogroup) in coastal California 1996 The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2656 55 185-189 details   openurl
Ganswindt, A.; Palme, R.; Heistermann, M.; Borragan, S.; Hodges, J.K. Non-invasive assessment of adrenocortical function in the male African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and its relation to musth 2003 General and Comparative Endocrinology 4085 134 156-166 details   openurl
Gerber, V.; Robinson, N.E.; Luethi, S.; Marti, E.; Wampfler, B.; Straub, R. Airway inflammation and mucus in two age groups of asymptomatic well-performing sport horses 2003 Equine Veterinary Journal 3721 35 491-495 details   openurl
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