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Berger, A.; Scheibe, K.-M.; Eichhorn, K.; Scheibe, A.; Streich, J. Diurnal and ultradian rhythms of behaviour in a mare group of Przewalski horse (Equus ferus przewalskii), measured through one year under semi-reserve conditions 1999 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2236 64 1-17 details   doi
Hebenbrock, M.; Due, M.; Holzhausen, H.; Sass, A.; Stadler, P.; Ellendorff, F. A new tool to monitor training and performance of sport horses using global positioning system (GPS) with integrated GSM capabilities 2005 DTW. Deutsche Tierarztliche Wochenschrift 4035 112 262-265 details   openurl
Kingston, J.K.; Soppet, G.M.; Rogers, C.W.; Firth, E.C. Use of a global positioning and heart rate monitoring system to assess training load in a group of thoroughbred racehorses 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 4014 106-109 details   openurl
Myslajek, R.W.; Tracz, M.; Tracz, M.; Tomczak, P.; Szewczyk, M.; Niedzwiecka, N.; Nowak, S. Spatial organization in wolves Canis lupus recolonizing north-west Poland: Large territories at low population density 2018 Mammalian Biology 6503 92 37-44 details   doi
Scheibe, K.M.; Schleusner, T.; Berger, A.; Eichhorn, K.; Langbein, J.; Dal Zotto, L.; Streich, W.J. ETHOSYS (R)--new system for recording and analysis of behaviour of free-ranging domestic animals and wildlife 1998 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2237 55 195-211 details   doi
Witte, T.H.; Knill, K.; Wilson, A.M. Determination of peak vertical ground reaction force from duty factor in the horse (Equus caballus) 2004 The Journal of Experimental Biology 3658 207 3639-3648 details   doi
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