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Brosnan, S.F.; Schiff, H.C.; de Waal, F.B.M. Tolerance for inequity may increase with social closeness in chimpanzees 2005 Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society 169 272 253-258 details   doi
Peltzer, K.; Mabilu, M.G.; Mathoho, S.F.; Nekhwevha, A.P.; Sikhwivhilu, T.; Sinthumule, T.S. Trauma history and severity of gambling involvement among horse-race gamblers in a South African gambling setting 2006 Psychological Reports 1850 99 472-476 details   openurl
Poncet, P.A.; Ionita, J.C.; Doherr, M.G.; Steiger, A. [The influence of the socio-economic structure of the breeding farms of Franches-Montagnes horses on the conditions of husbandry] 2006 Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde 1873 148 183-189 details   openurl
Smith, D.G.; Pearson, R.A. A review of the factors affecting the survival of donkeys in semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa 2005 Tropical Animal Health and Production 4231 37 Suppl 1 1-19 details   doi
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