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Arakawa, H., Arakawa, K., Blanchard, D. C., & Blanchard, R. J. (2008). A new test paradigm for social recognition evidenced by urinary scent marking behavior in C57BL/6J mice. Behav. Brain. Res., 190(1), 97–104.
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Brennan, P. A., & Kendrick, K. M. (2006). Mammalian social odours: attraction and individual recognition. Phil. Trans. Biol. Sci., 361(1476), 2061–2078.
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Levy, F., Keller, M., & Poindron, P. (2004). Olfactory regulation of maternal behavior in mammals. Horm Behav, 46(3), 284–302.
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Lim, M. M., & Young, L. J. (2006). Neuropeptidergic regulation of affiliative behavior and social bonding in animals. Hormon. Behav., 50(4), 506–517.
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