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Krause, J., Croft, D., & James, R. (2007). Social network theory in the behavioural sciences: potential applications. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol., 62(1), 15–27.
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Le Pendu, Y., Guilhem, C., Briedermann, L., Maublanc, M. - L., & Gerard, J. - F. (2000). Interactions and associations between age and sex classes in mouflon sheep (Ovis gmelini) during winter. Behav. Process., 52(2-3), 97–107.
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Müller, A. E., & Thalmann, U. (2000). Origin and evolution of primate social organisation: a reconstruction. Biological Reviews, 75, 405–435.
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van Dierendonck, M. C., Bandi, N., Batdorj, D., Dugerlham, S., & Munkhtsog, B. (1996). Behavioural observations of reintroduced Takhi or Przewalski horses (Equus ferus przewalskii) in Mongolia. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 50(2), 95–114.
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