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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Ahrendt, L.P.; Christensen, J.W.; Ladewig, J. The ability of horses to learn an instrumental task through social observation 2012 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5773 139 105-113 details   doi
da Cruz, A.B.; Hirata, S.; dos Santos, M.E.; Mendonça, R.S. Show me your best side: Lateralization of social and resting behaviors in feral horses 2023 Behavioural Processes 6697 206 104839 details   doi
da Cruz, A.B.; Hirata, S.; dos Santos, M.E.; Mendonça, R.S. Show me your best side: Lateralization of social and resting behaviors in feral horses 2023 Behavioural Processes 6711 206 104839 details   doi
Granquist,S.M.; Sigurjónsdóttir, H; Thórhallsdóttir, A.G. Social structure and interactions within groups of horses containing a stallion 2008 IESM 2008 4487 details   pdf openurl
Jørgensen, G.H.M.; Liestøl, S.H.-O.; Bøe, K.E. Effects of enrichment items on activity and social interactions in domestic horses (Equus caballus) 2011 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5320 129 100-110 details   doi
Jørgensen, G.H.M.; Liestøl, S.H.-O.; Bøe, K.E. Effects of enrichment items on activity and social interactions in domestic horses (Equus caballus) 2011 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 6604 129 100-110 details   doi
Pierard, M. Agonistic and affiliative interactions in group housed riding horses (Equus caballus) 2012 Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting 5515 in press details   pdf openurl
VanDierendonck, M.C. Social relationships in a group of horses without a mature stallion 2006 The Importance of Social Relationships in Horses 2369 Chapter 4 details   url
VanDierendonck, M.C. Diff erences in social behaviour between late pregnant, post-partum and barren mares in a herd of Icelandic horses 2006 The Importance of Social Relationships in Horses 2370 Chapter 5 details   url
VanDierendonck, M.C. Interventions in social behaviour in a herd of mares and geldings 2006 The Importance of Social Relationships in Horses 2371 Chapter 6 details   url
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