Bykov, S., Lednev, I., Ianoul, A., Mikhonin, A., Munro, C., & Asher, S. A. (2005). Steady-state and transient ultraviolet resonance Raman spectrometer for the 193-270 nm spectral region. Appl Spectrosc, 59(12), 1541–1552.
Abstract: We describe a state-of-the-art tunable ultraviolet (UV) Raman spectrometer for the 193-270 nm spectral region. This instrument allows for steady-state and transient UV Raman measurements. We utilize a 5 kHz Ti-sapphire continuously tunable laser (approximately 20 ns pulse width) between 193 nm and 240 nm for steady-state measurements. For transient Raman measurements we utilize one Coherent Infinity YAG laser to generate nanosecond infrared (IR) pump laser pulses to generate a temperature jump (T-jump) and a second Coherent Infinity YAG laser that is frequency tripled and Raman shifted into the deep UV (204 nm) for transient UV Raman excitation. Numerous other UV excitation frequencies can be utilized for selective excitation of chromophoric groups for transient Raman measurements. We constructed a subtractive dispersion double monochromator to minimize stray light. We utilize a new charge-coupled device (CCD) camera that responds efficiently to UV light, as opposed to the previous CCD and photodiode detectors, which required intensifiers for detecting UV light. For the T-jump measurements we use a second camera to simultaneously acquire the Raman spectra of the water stretching bands (2500-4000 cm(-1)) whose band-shape and frequency report the sample temperature.
Hampton, R. R. (2001). Rhesus monkeys know when they remember. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 98(9), 5359–5362.
Abstract: Humans are consciously aware of some memories and can make verbal reports about these memories. Other memories cannot be brought to consciousness, even though they influence behavior. This conspicuous difference in access to memories is central in taxonomies of human memory systems but has been difficult to document in animal studies, suggesting that some forms of memory may be unique to humans. Here I show that rhesus macaque monkeys can report the presence or absence of memory. Although it is probably impossible to document subjective, conscious properties of memory in nonverbal animals, this result objectively demonstrates an important functional parallel with human conscious memory. Animals able to discern the presence and absence of memory should improve accuracy if allowed to decline memory tests when they have forgotten, and should decline tests most frequently when memory is attenuated experimentally. One of two monkeys examined unequivocally met these criteria under all test conditions, whereas the second monkey met them in all but one case. Probe tests were used to rule out “cueing” by a wide variety of environmental and behavioral stimuli, leaving detection of the absence of memory per se as the most likely mechanism underlying the monkeys' abilities to selectively decline memory tests when they had forgotten.
Hanggi, E. B., Ingersoll, J. F., & Waggoner, T. L. (2007). Color vision in horses (Equus caballus): deficiencies identified using a pseudoisochromatic plate test. J. Comp. Psychol., 121(1), 65–72.
Abstract: In the past, equine color vision was tested with stimuli composed either of painted cards or photographic slides or through physiological testing using electroretinogram flicker photometry. Some studies produced similar results, but others did not, demonstrating that there was not yet a definitive answer regarding color vision in horses (Equus caballus). In this study, a pseudoisochromatic plate test--which is highly effective in testing color vision both in small children and in adult humans--was used for the first time on a nonhuman animal. Stimuli consisted of different colored dotted circles set against backgrounds of varying dots. The coloration of the circles corresponded to the visual capabilities of different types of color deficiencies (anomalous trichromacy and dichromacy). Four horses were tested on a 2-choice discrimination task. All horses successfully reached criterion for gray circles and demonstration circles. None of the horses were able to discriminate the protan-deutan plate or the individual protan or deutan plates. However, all were able to discriminate the tritan plate. The results suggest that horses are dichromats with color vision capabilities similar to those of humans with red-green color deficiencies.
Harland, M. M., Stewart, A. J., Marshall, A. E., & Belknap, E. B. (2006). Diagnosis of deafness in a horse by brainstem auditory evoked potential. Can Vet J, 47(2), 151–154.
Abstract: Deafness was confirmed in a blue-eyed, 3-year-old, overo paint horse by brainstem auditory evoked potential. Congenital inherited deafness associated with lack of facial pigmentation was suspected. Assessment of hearing should be considered, especially in paint horses, at the time of pre-purchase examination. Brainstem auditory evoked potential assessment is well tolerated and accurate.
Mostl, E., Rettenbacher, S., & Palme, R. (2005). Measurement of corticosterone metabolites in birds' droppings: an analytical approach. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1046, 17–34.
Abstract: Fecal steroid analyses are becoming increasingly popular among both field and laboratory scientists. The benefits associated with sampling procedures that do not require restraint, anesthesia, and blood collection include less risk to subject and investigator, as well as the potential to obtain endocrine profiles that are not influenced by the sampling procedure itself. In the feces, a species-specific pattern of metabolites is present, because glucocorticoids are extensively metabolized. Therefore, selection of adequate extraction procedures and immunoassays for measuring the relevant metabolites is a serious issue. In this review, emphasis is placed on the establishment and analytical validation of methods to measure glucocorticoid metabolites for a noninvasive evaluation of adrenocortical activity in droppings of birds.
Parsons, K. J., & Wilson, A. M. (2006). The use of MP3 recorders to log data from equine hoof mounted accelerometers. Equine Vet J, 38(7), 675–680.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDy: MP3 recorders are readily available, small, lightweight and low cost, providing the potential for logging analogue hoof mounted accelerometer signals for the characterisation of equine locomotion. These, however, require testing in practice. OBJECTIVES: To test whether 1) multiple MP3 recorders can maintain synchronisation, giving the ability to synchronise independent recorders for the logging of multiple limbs simultaneously; and 2) features of a foot mounted accelerometer signal attributable to foot-on and foot-off can be accurately identified from horse foot mounted accelerometers logged directly into an MP3 recorder. METHODS: Three experiments were performed: 1) Maintenance of synchronisation was assessed by counting the number of samples recorded by each of 4 MP3 recorders while mounted on a trotting horse and over 2 consecutive 30 min periods in 8 recorders on a bench. 2) Foot-on and foot-off times obtained from manual transcription of MP3 logged data and directly logged accelerometer signal were compared. 3) MP3/accelerometer acquisition units were used to log accelerometer signals from racehorses during extended training sessions. RESULTS: Mean absolute error of synchronisation between MP3 recorders was 10 samples per million (compared to mean number of samples, range 1-32 samples per million). Error accumulation showed a linear correlation with time. Features attributable to foot on and foot off were equally identifiable from the MP3 recorded signal over a range of equine gaits. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple MP3 recorders can be synchronised and used as a relatively cheap, robust, reliable and accurate logging system when combined with an accelerometer and external battery for the specific application of the measurement of stride timing variables across the range of equine gaits during field locomotion. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Footfall timings can be used to identify intervals between the fore and hind contacts, the identification of diagonal advanced placement and to calculate stride timing variables (stance time, protraction time and stride time). These parameters are invaluable for the characterisation and assessment of equine locomotion.
Staniar, W. B., Kronfeld, D. S., Hoffman, R. M., Wilson, J. A., & Harris, P. A. (2004). Weight prediction from linear measures of growing Thoroughbreds. Equine Vet J, 36(2), 149–154.
Abstract: REASON FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Monitoring weight of foals is a useful management practice to aid in maximising athletic potential while minimising risks associated with deviations from normal growth. OBJECTIVE: To develop predictive equations for weight, based on linear measurements of growing Thoroughbreds (TBs). METHODS: Morphometric equations predicting weight from measurements of the trunk and legs were developed from data of 153 foals. The accuracy, precision and bias of the best fitting equation were compared to published equations using a naive data set of 22 foals. RESULTS: Accuracy and precision were maximised with a broken line relating calculated volumes (V(t + l)) to measured weights. Use of the broken line is a 2 step process. V(t + l) is calculated from linear measures (m) of girth (G), carpus circumference (C), and length of body (B) and left forelimb (F). V(t + I) = ([G2 x B] + 4[C2 x F]) 4pi. If V(t + l) < 0.27 m3, weight is estimated: Weight (kg) = V(t + l) x 1093. If V(t + l) > or = 0.27 m3: Weight (kg) = V(t + l) x 984 + 24. The broken line was more accurate and precise than 3 published equations predicting the weight of young TBs. CONCLUSIONS: Estimation of weight using morphometric equations requires attention to temporal changes in body shape and density; hence, a broken line is needed. Including calculated leg volume in the broken line model is another contributing factor to improvement in predictive capability. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: The broken line maximises its value to equine professionals through its accuracy, precision and convenience.
Wilkins, L. J., Brown, S. N., Zimmerman, P. H., Leeb, C., & Nicol, C. J. (2004). Investigation of palpation as a method for determining the prevalence of keel and furculum damage in laying hens. Vet. Rec., 155(18), 547–549.
Abstract: Old breaks of the keel and furculum were identified by palpation in 500 end-of-lay hens from 10 flocks housed in free-range and barn systems, and the results were compared with the results obtained by a full dissection and inspection. The method was considered to be sufficiently precise to be used as a diagnostic tool although people using it would need to be trained. The results obtained by dissection indicated that 50 to 78 per cent of the birds in the flocks had breaks of the furculum and keel, but no other breaks of bones were detected.