Dargatz, D. A., & Traub-Dargatz, J. L. (2004). Multidrug-resistant Salmonella and nosocomial infections. Vet Clin North Am Equine Pract, 20(3), 587–600.
Abstract: Nosocomial infections are a serious threat to optimum patient care. In addition, nosocomial infections can have far-reaching consequences for the hospital personnel and the financial aspects of the hospital. Nosocomial infections with Salmonella spp have been described among hospitalized equine populations more frequently than any other agent. Salmonella spp associated with hospitalized equids often possess more antimicrobial resistance determinants than do Salmonella spp isolated from healthy horses in the general population. There is little evidence to suggest that resistant salmonellae are more virulent than nonresistant forms. MDR forms of Salmonella complicate the selection of appropriate antimicrobials when they are indicated, however. Furthermore, the use of some antimicrobials may apply selection pressure toward enhanced ability of MDR Salmonella to colonize equine patients. Further research should help to elucidate the risky uses of antimicrobials in the hospital setting and define the role of disinfectants and treatments such as NSAIDs in the ecology of MDR forms of nosocomial infections, including Salmonella. In the meantime, thoughtful selection of when and how to use antimicrobials in equine patients, together with deliberate selection of which antimicrobials to use based on monitoring data and other factors, such as safety and spectrum, is advised.