Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
de Cocq, P.; van Weeren, P.R.; Back, W. |
Saddle pressure measuring: Validity, reliability and power to discriminate between different saddle-fits |
2006 |
The Veterinary Journal |
5819 |
172 |
265-273 |
Dyson, S. |
The Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram |
2022 |
Equine Veterinary Education |
6693 |
34 |
372-380 |
Geutjens, C.A.; Clayton, H.M.; Kaiser, L.J. |
Forces and pressures beneath the saddle during mounting from the ground and from a raised mounting platform |
2008 |
The Veterinary Journal |
4344 |
175 |
332-337 |
Meschan, E.M.; Peham, C.; Schobesberger, H.; Licka, T.F. |
The influence of the width of the saddle tree on the forces and the pressure distribution under the saddle |
2007 |
The Veterinary Journal |
4349 |
173 |
578-584 |
Normando, S.; Meers, L.; Samuels, W.E.; Faustini, M.; Ödberg, F.O. |
Variables affecting the prevalence of behavioural problems in horses. Can riding style and other management factors be significant? |
2011 |
Applied Animal Behaviour Science |
5399 |
133 |
186-198 |
von Peinen, K.; Wiestner, T.; Bogisch, S.; Roepstorff, L.; Van Weeren, P.R.; Weishaupt, M.A. |
Relationship between the forces acting on the horse's back and the movements of rider and horse while walking on a treadmill |
2009 |
Equine Veterinary Journal |
5822 |
41 |
285-291 |
Von PEINEN, K.; Wiestner, T.; Von RECHENBERG, B.; Weishaupt, M.A. |
Relationship between saddle pressure measurements and clinical signs of saddle soreness at the withers |
2010 |
Equine Veterinary Journal |
5820 |
42 |
650-653 |