Boden, L. A., Anderson, G. A., Charles, J. A., Morgan, K. L., Morton, J. M., Parkin, T. D. H., et al. (2006). Risk of fatality and causes of death of Thoroughbred horses associated with racing in Victoria, Australia: 1989-2004. Equine Vet J, 38(4), 312–318.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Determining the risk of fatality of Thoroughbred horses while racing is essential to assess the impact of intervention measures designed to minimise such fatalities. OBJECTIVES: To measure the risk of racehorse fatality in jump and flat starts on racecourses in Victoria, Australia, over a 15 year period and to determine proportional mortality rates for specific causes of death. METHODS: All fatalities of Thoroughbred horses that occurred during or within 24 h of a race were identified from a database. The risk of a start resulting in a racehorse fatality in all races and within flat and jump races, proportional mortality rates, population attributable risk, population attributable fraction and risk ratios were calculated along with 95% confidence intervals. Poisson regression was also performed to estimate risk ratios. RESULTS: There were 514 fatalities over the 15 year period; 316 in flat races and 198 in jump races. The risk of fatality was 0.44 per 1000 flat starts and 8.3 per 1000 jump starts (18.9 x greater). The risk of fatality on city tracks was 1.1 per 1000 starts whereas on country tracks it was 0.57 per 1000 starts. Of the 316 fatalities in flat races, 73.4% were due to limb injury, 2.5% to cranial or vertebral injury and 19.0% were sudden deaths. Of the 198 fatalities in jump races, 68.7% were due to limb injury, 16.2% to cranial or vertebral injury and 3.5% were sudden deaths. The risk of fatality in flat starts increased between 1989 and 2004 but the risk in jump starts remained unchanged over the 15 year period. CONCLUSIONS: The risk of fatality in flat starts was lower in Victoria than North America and the UK but the risk in jump starts was greater. Catastrophic limb injury was the major reason for racehorse fatality in Victoria but there was a larger percentage of sudden deaths than has been reported overseas. The risk of fatality in jump starts remained constant over the study period despite jump racing reviews that recommended changes to hurdle and steeple races to improve safety. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study provides important benchmarks for the racing industry to monitor racetrack fatalities and evaluate intervention strategies.
Clayton, H. M. (1997). Classification of collected trot, passage and piaffe based on temporal variables. Equine Vet J Suppl, (23), 54–57.
Abstract: The objective was to determine whether collected trot, passage and piaffe could be distinguished as separate gaits on the basis of temporal variables. Sagittal plane, 60 Hz videotapes of 10 finalists in the dressage competitions at the 1992 Olympic Games were analysed to measure the temporal variables in absolute terms and as percentages of stride duration. Classification was based on analysis of variance, a graphical method and discriminant analysis. Stride duration was sufficient to distinguish collected trot from passage and piaffe in all horses. The analysis of variance showed that the mean values of most variables differed significantly between passage and piaffe. When hindlimb stance percentage was plotted against diagonal advanced placement percentage, some overlap was found between all 3 movements indicating that individual horses could not be classified reliably in this manner. Using hindlimb stance percentage and diagonal advanced placement percentage as input in a discriminant analysis, 80% of the cases were classified correctly, but at least one horse was misclassified in each movement. When the absolute, rather than percentage, values of the 2 variables were used as input in the discriminant analysis, 90% of the cases were correctly classified and the only misclassifications were between passage and piaffe. However, the 2 horses in which piaffe was misclassified as passage were the gold and silver medallists. In general, higher placed horses tended toward longer diagonal advanced placements, especially in collected trot and passage, and shorter hindlimb stance percentages in passage and piaffe.
Elsaesser, F., Klobasa, F., & Ellendorff, F. (2001). ACTH stimulation test for the determination of salivary cortisol and of cortisol responses as markers of the training status/fitness of warm-blooded sports horses]. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr, 108(1), 31–36.
Abstract: Previous work (Marc et al., 2000) suggested that plasma cortisol responses to treadmill exercise or ACTH injection are a reliable marker for performance evaluation in warmblood horses. For practical purposes blood sample collections and treadmill exercise tests are somewhat troublesome and time consuming. The goal of this study was thus to evaluate the use of saliva for cortisol determination (by direct EIA) as a marker for performance and to investigate the reliability and repeatability of plasma cortisol responses to a single i.v. injection of ACTH (50 micrograms or 250 micrograms). Furthermore, the effect of training horses for 8 weeks 3 times per week covering the same distance (increasing from 3.5 km during the first week to 8 km during the last week) either by trotting (approximately 240 m/min) or by cantering (375 m/min) was investigated. For this purpose initially ten four-year-old Hannovarian geldings, all reared in the same State stud, were used. Mean overall correlation between salivary cortisol and plasma cortisol concentrations was 0.64 when samples of various points of time were used. However, in spite of attempts to standardize saliva sample collection, correlation between salivary cortisol levels and plasma cortisol levels at distinct points of time in different tests were low and significant (r = 0.85, p < 0.02) only in one test. Thus, salivary cortisol measurements for diagnostic purposes are not reliable or useful. The repeatability of plasma cortisol responses to ACTH for untrained and trained horses were r = 0.86 and r = 0.8 respectively (p < or = 0.01 and p < or = 0.05 respectively). Training horses either by trotting or cantering did not affect the cortisol response either to treadmill exercise or to stimulation by ACTH. It is concluded that the relationship between salivary cortisol levels and plasma cortisol levels is not close enough to allow the use of salivary cortisol determination as marker of the training status/fitness of horses. The repeatability of the cortisol response to ACTH is similar to the cortisol response to treadmill exercise. Based on plasma cortisol responses to ACTH or treadmill exercise training horses by cantering at low speed is not superior to training by trotting for the fitness of horses.
Gramkow, H. L., & Evans, D. L. (2006). Correlation of race earnings with velocity at maximal heart rate during a field exercise test in thoroughbred racehorses. Equine Vet J Suppl, (36), 118–122.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Running ability of Thoroughbred racehorses is correlated with maximal oxygen uptake, and the velocity at maximal oxygen uptake is highly correlated with the velocity at maximal heart rate (VHRmax). OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between VHRmax and racing performance, expressed as 'peak dollars earned per race start'. METHODS: Heart rate (HR) and velocity were recorded in 25 Thoroughbred racehorses during trotting and subsequent fast gallops in the field at velocities of 15-16 m/sec. Velocity was recorded by a global positioning system (GPS). Maximal HR (HRmax) and maximal velocity (Vmax) were identified, and a linear regression of HR on velocity for trotting and galloping data was constructed to derive VHRmax. Horses followed the training programme designed by one trainer, had at least 6 race starts and were clinically sound at the time of testing. Race earnings were expressed as the peak dollars per start in the horse's race career. Data were normalised using the results for the square root of 'peak dollars earned per race start' and the significance of associations between variables was determined by correlation coefficient and least square analyses. RESULTS: Horses with higher VHRmax earned significantly more dollars per race start (r = 0.41, P<0.05), and horses with VHRmax less than 14.5 m/sec had mean earnings of less than A$2500 per race. There were no correlations between race earnings and either HRmax or Vmax. CONCLUSION: Field studies of the relationship between HR and velocity with a GPS enable identification of horses with limited earnings. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study demonstrates that a field test of fitness of Thoroughbred racehorses that correlates with retrospective racing ability is feasible. The technique has potential application in commercial training environments assisting with decisions concerning racing careers of individual racehorses.
McGuigan, M. P., & Wilson, A. M. (2003). The effect of gait and digital flexor muscle activation on limb compliance in the forelimb of the horse Equus caballus. J Exp Biol, 206(Pt 8), 1325–1336.
Abstract: A horse's legs are compressed during the stance phase, storing and then returning elastic strain energy in spring-like muscle-tendon units. The arrangement of the muscle-tendon units around the lever-like joints means that as the leg shortens the muscle-tendon units are stretched. The forelimb anatomy means that the leg can be conceptually divided into two springs: the proximal spring, from the scapula to the elbow, and the distal spring, from the elbow to the foot. In this paper we report the results of a series of experiments testing the hypothesis that there is minimal scope for muscle contraction in either spring to adjust limb compliance. Firstly, we demonstrate that the distal, passive leg spring changes length by 127 mm (range 106-128 mm) at gallop and the proximal spring by 12 mm (9-15 mm). Secondly, we demonstrate that there is a linear relationship between limb force and metacarpo-phalangeal (MCP) joint angle that is minimally influenced by digital flexor muscle activation in vitro or as a function of gait in vivo. Finally, we determined the relationship between MCP joint angle and vertical ground-reaction force at trot and then predicted the forelimb peak vertical ground-reaction force during a 12 m s(-1) gallop on a treadmill. These were 12.79 N kg(-1) body mass (BM) (range 12.07-13.73 N kg(-1) BM) for the lead forelimb and 15.23 N kg(-1) BM (13.51-17.10 N kg(-1) BM) for the non-lead forelimb.
Parsons, K. J., & Wilson, A. M. (2006). The use of MP3 recorders to log data from equine hoof mounted accelerometers. Equine Vet J, 38(7), 675–680.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDy: MP3 recorders are readily available, small, lightweight and low cost, providing the potential for logging analogue hoof mounted accelerometer signals for the characterisation of equine locomotion. These, however, require testing in practice. OBJECTIVES: To test whether 1) multiple MP3 recorders can maintain synchronisation, giving the ability to synchronise independent recorders for the logging of multiple limbs simultaneously; and 2) features of a foot mounted accelerometer signal attributable to foot-on and foot-off can be accurately identified from horse foot mounted accelerometers logged directly into an MP3 recorder. METHODS: Three experiments were performed: 1) Maintenance of synchronisation was assessed by counting the number of samples recorded by each of 4 MP3 recorders while mounted on a trotting horse and over 2 consecutive 30 min periods in 8 recorders on a bench. 2) Foot-on and foot-off times obtained from manual transcription of MP3 logged data and directly logged accelerometer signal were compared. 3) MP3/accelerometer acquisition units were used to log accelerometer signals from racehorses during extended training sessions. RESULTS: Mean absolute error of synchronisation between MP3 recorders was 10 samples per million (compared to mean number of samples, range 1-32 samples per million). Error accumulation showed a linear correlation with time. Features attributable to foot on and foot off were equally identifiable from the MP3 recorded signal over a range of equine gaits. CONCLUSIONS: Multiple MP3 recorders can be synchronised and used as a relatively cheap, robust, reliable and accurate logging system when combined with an accelerometer and external battery for the specific application of the measurement of stride timing variables across the range of equine gaits during field locomotion. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Footfall timings can be used to identify intervals between the fore and hind contacts, the identification of diagonal advanced placement and to calculate stride timing variables (stance time, protraction time and stride time). These parameters are invaluable for the characterisation and assessment of equine locomotion.
Peel, J. A., Peel, M. B., & Davies, H. M. S. (2006). The effect of gallop training on hoof angle in thoroughbred racehorses. Equine Vet J Suppl, (36), 431–434.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The economic impact of soundness problems in racehorses is very high and low hoof angle at the toe has been associated with a lack of soundness. However, it is not clear what environmental and management factors might contribute to a low hoof angle. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the hypothesis that the hooves of racehorses become flatter when in gallop training, as well as to determine factors contributing to this trend. METHODS: Weekly hoof measurements were taken with a hoof gauge from 45 Thoroughbred racehorses; 4 Thoroughbred show horses kept in consistent conditions and shod by the same farrier as some of the racehorses; and 6 unshod free-ranging horses. A further 15 horses were measured twice in one day to determine the repeatability of the method. RESULTS: Repeatability coefficients were 0.31 degrees for the left hoof and 0.37 degrees for the right. Racehorses in training showed a significant decrease in hoof angle over time while free ranging horses and show horses did not. Free-ranging horses had a significantly lower angle in winter (wet) compared with summer (dry) in both left (P = 0.040) and right (P = 0.017). Show horses had no significant change in hoof angle. Racehorses that had a period of rest during the experiment (n = 11) showed a decrease in hoof angle during training and an increase over their rest period for both hooves (P = 0.005 for the left hoof, P = 0.0009 for the right). CONCLUSIONS: Training for fast exercise in Thoroughbred racehorses is associated with a reduction in hoof angle and wet pasture conditions may also be associated with a reduced hoof angle in free-ranging horses. Potential relevance: Gallop exercise has a potentially large effect on hoof angle and therefore, a change in angle should be expected to occur in racehorses starting fast exercise work. Hence management of horses with abnormally low hoof angles may require an adaptation to their training regime in order to minimise this effect.
Pinchbeck, G. L., Clegg, P. D., Proudman, C. J., Morgan, K. L., & French, N. P. (2003). Case-control study to investigate risk factors for horse falls in hurdle racing in England and Wales. Vet. Rec., 152(19), 583–587.
Abstract: Between March 1, 2000 and August 31, 2001, a case-control study was conducted on 12 racecourses in England and Wales to identify and quantify the risk factors associated with horse falls in hurdle races. The cases and controls were defined so that variables relating to the horse, the jockey, the race and racecourse, and the jump could be considered. The cases were defined as a jumping effort at a hurdle flight that resulted in a fall, and the controls were defined as a successful jump over a hurdle at any of the 12 racecourses within 14 days before or after the case fall. Conditional logistic regression was used to examine the univariable and multivariable relationships between the predictor variables and the risk of falling. The risk of falling was significantly associated with the position of the jump in the race, and with the distance and speed of the race. A horse's previous racing experience and history were also significantly associated with the risk of falling and horses participating in their first hurdle race were at almost five times greater risk of falling than horses that had hurdled before.
Pinchbeck, G. L., Clegg, P. D., Proudman, C. J., Morgan, K. L., & French, N. P. (2004). Case-control investigation of the factors affecting the risk of horses falling during steeplechase racing in the UK. Vet. Rec., 155(1), 11–15.
Abstract: A concurrent case-control study of 12 UK racecourses was made between March 1, 2000, and August 31, 2001, to identify and quantify the factors associated with the risk of horses falling in steeplechase races. Cases were defined as a jumping effort at a steeplechase fence that resulted in a fall and controls were defined as a successful jumping effort over any steeplechase fence at any of the 12 racecourses within 14 days before or after the case fall. Information on the horse, the jockey and the race were collected and all the fences on all the courses were surveyed. Conditional logistic regression was used to examine the relationships between the predictor variables and the risk of falling. There was one fall per 254 jumping efforts. The risk of a horse falling decreased the more times it had raced on a particular racecourse. The number of fences, the distance from the previous fence and the nature of the previous fence also affected the risk of falling. If the previous fence was a water jump the risk of falling increased; fences that were sited on flat or slight uphill gradients (up to approximately 1 in 25) were associated with a lower risk of horses falling than downhill fences, and higher takeoff boards were associated with a higher risk of falling.
Pinchbeck, G. L., Clegg, P. D., Proudman, C. J., Morgan, K. L., & French, N. R. (2004). Whip use and race progress are associated with horse falls in hurdle and steeplechase racing in the UK. Equine Vet J, 36(5), 384–389.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Falls during racing present a risk of injury to both horse and jockey and a risk of fatality to horses. OBJECTIVES: To use video recordings of races to describe the circumstances surrounding horse falls at hurdle and steeplechase fences and to identify and quantify within-race risk factors for horse falls in National Hunt racing in the UK. METHODS: A retrospective, matched, nested case-control study using video recordings of races was conducted on 6 UK racecourses. Cases and controls were matched on both race type and jump number at which the fall occurred. Conditional logistic regression analysis was used to examine the univariable and multivariable relationship between predictor variables and the risk of falling. RESULTS: The risk of falling was significantly associated with whip use and race progress. Horses which were being whipped and progressing through the race were at greater than 7 times the risk of falling compared to horses which were not being whipped and which had no change in position or lost position through the field. CONCLUSIONS: This study has identified whip use and the position of the horse with respect to others in the field as potential risk factors for horse falls. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: If these findings are confirmed by the use of intervention trials (e.g. with whip-free or restricted whip use races), modifications could be introduced which would reduce the frequency of horse falls, leading to improved equine welfare.