Baudry, L., Leroy, D., & Chollet, D. (2006). The effect of combined self- and expert-modelling on the performance of the double leg circle on the pommel horse (Vol. 24).
Abstract: In this study, we investigated whether video modelling can enhance gymnasts' performance of the circle on a pommel horse. The procedure associated expert-modelling with self-modelling and quantitative performance analysis. Sixteen gymnasts were randomly assigned to one of two groups: (1) a modelling group, which received expert- and self-modelling, and performance feedback, or (2) a control group, which received no feedback. After five sessions of training, an analysis of variance with repeated measures indicated that the gains in the back, entry, front, and exit phases of the circle were greater for the modelling group than for the control group. During the training sessions, the gymnasts in the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment during the back phase more quickly than during the other phases. As predicted, although both groups performed the same number of circles (300 in 5 days, with 10 sequences of 6 circles), the modelling group improved their body segmental alignment more than the control group. It thus appears that immediate video modelling can help to correct complex sports movements such as the circle performed on the pommel horse. However, its effectiveness seemed to be dependent on the complexity of the phase.
Faber, M. J., van Weeren, P. R., Schepers, M., & Barneveld, A. (2003). Long-term follow-up of manipulative treatment in a horse with back problems. J Vet Med A Physiol Pathol Clin Med, 50(5), 241–245.
Abstract: In order to objectively quantify the effect of manipulation on back-related locomotion anomalies in the horse, a recently developed kinematic measuring technique for the objective quantification of thoracolumbar motion in the horse was applied in a dressage horse that was suffering from a back problem. In this horse, clinically, a right-convex bending (scoliosis) from the 10th thoracic vertebra to the second lumbar vertebra was diagnosed. As a result, there was a marked asymmetric movement of the thoracolumbar spine. Functionally, there was severe loss of performance. Thoracolumbar motion was measured in terms of ventrodorsal flexion, lateral flexion, and axial rotation using an automated gait analysis system. Measurements were repeated before and 2 days after treatment, before the second treatment 3 weeks later, and at 4 weeks and 8 months after the second treatment to assess long-term effect. At the same time, performance of the horse was assessed subjectively by the trainer as well. Symmetry of movement improved dramatically after the first treatment. After this, there was a slight decrease in symmetry, but 8 months after the last treatment the symmetry indexes for the various joints were still considerably better than during the first (pre-treatment) measuring session. Subjectively, the trainer did not notice improvement until after measurement session 4. Between sessions 4 and 5 (at 4 weeks and 8 months after the second treatment) there was a change of trainer. The new trainer did not report any back problem, and succeeded in bringing the horse back to its former level in competition. It is concluded that manipulation had a measurable influence on the kinematics of the thoracolumbar spine. However, it is recognized that an improvement in symmetry of motion is not equivalent to clinical improvement and that other measures, such as changes in management, may be more decisive.
Robert, C., Audigie, F., Valette, J. P., Pourcelot, P., & Denoix, J. M. (2001). Effects of treadmill speed on the mechanics of the back in the trotting saddlehorse. Equine Vet J Suppl, (33), 154–159.
Abstract: Speed related changes in trunk mechanics have not yet been investigated, although high-speed training is currently used in the horse. To evaluate the effects of speed on back kinematics and trunk muscles activity, 4 saddle horses were recorded while trotting on a horizontal treadmill at speeds ranging from 3.5 to 6 m/s. The 3-dimensional (3-D) trajectories of skin markers on the left side of the horse and the dorsal midline of the trunk were established. Electrical activity was simultaneously obtained from the longissimus dorsi (LD) and rectus abdominis (RA) muscles using surface electrodes. Ten consecutive strides were analysed for each horse at each of the 5 velocity steps. Electromyographic and kinematic data were time-standardised to the duration of the stride cycle and compared using an analysis of variance. The back extended during the first part of each diagonal stance phase when the RA was active and the back flexed during the second part of each diagonal stance phase when the LD was active. The onset and end of muscle activity came earlier in the stride cycle and muscle activity intensity increased when speed increased. The amplitude of vertical movement of the trunk and the maximal angles of flexion decreased with increasing speed, whereas the extension angles remained unchanged. This resulted in a decreased range of back flexion-extension. This study confirms that the primary role of trunk muscles is to control the stiffness of the back rather than to induce movements. Understanding the effects of speed on the back of healthy horses is a prerequisite for the prevention and treatment of back pathology.
Wennerstrand, J., Johnston, C., Roethlisberger-Holm, K., Erichsen, C., Eksell, P., & Drevemo, S. (2004). Kinematic evaluation of the back in the sport horse with back pain. Equine Vet J, 36(8), 707–711.
Abstract: REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Earlier studies have developed a clinical tool to evaluate objectively the function of the equine back. The ability to differentiate horses with back pain from asymptomatic, fully functioning horses using kinematic measures from this tool has not been evaluated. OBJECTIVES: To compare the kinematics of the back at walk and trot in riding horses with back dysfunction to the same parameters in asymptomatic sport horses. METHODS: The kinematics of the back in 12 horses with impaired performance and back pain were studied at walk and trot on a treadmill. Data were captured for 10 sees at 240 Hz. Range of movement (ROM) and intravertebral pattern symmetry of movement for flexion and extension (FE), lateral bending (LB) and axial rotation (AR) were derived from angular motion pattern data and the results compared to an earlier established database on asymptomatic riding horses. RESULTS: At walk, horses with back dysfunction had a ROM smaller for dorsoventral FE in the caudal thoracic region (T13 = 7.50 degrees, T17 = 7.71 degrees; P<0.05), greater for LB at T13 (8.13 degrees; P<0.001) and smaller for AR of the pelvis (10.97 degrees; P<0.05) compared to asymptomatic horses (FE-T13 = 8.28 degrees, FE-T17 = 8.49 degrees, LB-T13 = 6.34 degrees, AR-pelvis = 12.77 degrees). At trot, dysfunctional horses had a smaller (P<0.05) ROM for FE at the thoracic lumbar junction (T17 = 2.46 degrees, L1 = 2.60 degrees) compared to asymptomatic horses (FE-T17 = 3.07 degrees, FE-L1 = 3.12 degrees). CONCLUSIONS: The objective measurement technique can detect differences between back kinematics in riding horses with signs of back dysfunction and asymptomatic horses. The clinical manifestation of back pain results in diminished flexion/extension movement at or near the thoracic lumbar junction. However, before applying the method more extensively in practice it is necessary to evaluate it further, including measurements of patients whose diagnoses can be confirmed and long-term follow-ups of back patients after treatment. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Since the objective measurement technique can detect small movement differences in back kinematics, it should help to clinically describe and, importantly, objectively detect horses with back pain and dysfunction.