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Scheidhacker, M., Bender, W., & Vaitl, P. (1991). Die Wirksamkeit des therapeutischen Reitens bei der Behandlung chronisch schizophrener Patienten. Nervenarzt, 62(5), 283–287.
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Schultz, P. N., Remick-Barlow, G. A., & Robbins, L. (2007). Equine-assisted psychotherapy: a mental health promotion/intervention modality for children who have experienced intra-family violence. Health & Social Care in the Community, 15(3), 265–271.
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Sone, K. (1983). [Apropos of 5 cases of so-called “delusions of cutaneous and intestinal infestation”--psychopathologic and neuropsychological considerations]. Folia Psychiatr Neurol Jpn, 37(1), 37–55.
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