Boyd, L. (1998). The 24-h time budget of a takh harem stallion (Equus ferus przewalskii) pre- and post-reintroduction. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 60(4), 291–299.
Abstract: Focal animal sampling was used to determine the 24-h time budget of a takh harem stallion (Equus ferus przewalskii) during the 2 weeks prior to, and the two weeks following, reintroduction into the Hustain Nuruu Steppe Reserve, Mongolia. Both before and after release, the stallion spent approximately 47% of his time grazing, 6% standing, and 5% in recumbent rest. The biggest changes to the time budget after release were a 4-fold increase in the amount of time spent moving, and a 50% decrease in the amount of time spent resting in a standing position. During the middle of the day when the temperatures were hottest, the stallion exhibited less grazing and more standing resting behaviour than in the morning or evening hours. Recumbent rest invariably occurred in the hours before dawn.
Boyd, L., & Bandi, N. (2002). Reintroduction of takhi, Equus ferus przewalskii, to Hustai National Park, Mongolia: time budget and synchrony of activity pre- and post-release. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 78(2-4), 87–102.
Abstract: A harem of takhi (Equus ferus przewalskii) was observed during introduction to the Hustain Nuruu Steppe Reserve of Mongolia. The goals were to examine whether the harem exhibited significant behavioural synchrony, whether release had an effect on time budget, and what the implications might be regarding acclimatisation to the wild. Behaviours were scan sampled every 10 min between the hours of 06:00 and 22:00, twice before release, twice immediately after release, and twice 2 years after reintroduction. Time budgets were constructed from these data. Considerable behavioural synchrony was evidenced both before and after release. Crepuscular grazing and midday resting were typical, regardless of the date relative to release. Upon release, the amount of time spent moving doubled for all age classes. It is suggested that this increase resulted from exploration. The amount of time spent grazing and standing remained unchanged; the increased amount of time spent moving came at the expense of resting. Two years later, the horses still spent more time moving than when captive. Somewhat less time was spent grazing, although the difference was not significant. More time was spent resting in 1996 than immediately after release. These time budgets provide evidence of successful acclimatisation to the wild. Trekking between favoured sites could account for the persistent increase in time spent moving, with concomitantly less time needed to meet nutritional needs by grazing and more time available for resting. Housing captive takhi in large enclosures is evidently insufficient to permit the amount of movement exhibited by this wild harem. The time budget of the 1- and 2-year olds was more similar to that of adults than foals, indicating approaching adulthood. That 1- and 2-year olds were nursed, without loss of body condition by the dam, provided additional evidence that the takhi achieved excellent nutritional status in the wild.
Feh, C., & Munkhtuya, B. (2008). Male infanticide and paternity analyses in a socially natural herd of Przewalski`s horses: Sexual selection? Behav. Process., 78(3), 335–339.
Abstract: The sexual selection hypothesis explains infanticide by males in many mammals. In our 11-year study, we investigated this hypothesis in a herd of Przewalski's horses where we had witnessed infanticidal attacks. Infanticide was highly conditional and not simply linked to takeovers. Attacks occurred in only five of 39 cases following a takeover, and DNA paternity revealed that, although infanticidal stallions were not the genetic fathers in four cases out of five, stallions present at birth did not significantly attempt to kill unrelated foals. Infanticide did not reduce birth intervals; only in one case out of five was the infanticidal stallion, the father of the next foal; mothers whose foals were attacked subsequently avoided associating with infanticidal stallions. Therefore, evidence for the sexual selection hypothesis was weak. The “human disturbance” hypothesis received some support, as only zoo bred stallions which grew up in unnatural social groups attacked foals of mares which were pregnant during takeovers.
van Dierendonck, M. C., Bandi, N., Batdorj, D., Dugerlham, S., & Munkhtsog, B. (1996). Behavioural observations of reintroduced Takhi or Przewalski horses (Equus ferus przewalskii) in Mongolia. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 50(2), 95–114.
Abstract: During 1992 and 1993, 14 reintroduced Przewalski Horses or Takhi (Equus ferus przewalskii) were studied in the Hustain Nuruu Mountain Steppe reserve in Mongolia. Most of the individuals did not know each other before reintroduction. These Takhi were the first of five groups due to be released in the reserve after an acclimatisation period of at least 1 year. During acclimatisation the Takhi, lived visually and acoustically separately, in fenced enclosures of approximately 45 ha each. The observations, mostly scan-sampling, were carried out in each season. The observation bouts were divided over six periods and over two harem herds. Two of the periods were in the same consecutive seasons, so comparison over the years was possible. Social integration within the Takhi herds was very high from the beginning, as described by the spatial relation and synchronisation data. Between 50 and 89% of the observation time, the behaviour of all herd members was synchronised. The amount of time spent grazing by the Takhi (30-68% of the daylight period) was similar to that of feral horses and Takhi in captivity and semi-reserves. The Takhi tended to rest in the morning and have a bimodal period of grazing at dawn and in the afternoon. The Takhi displayed clear habitat preferences for certain activities. They had a strong preference to rest at the highest point in their enclosure. They fed preferably on two or three different vegetation types (with five types available in each enclosure). The amount of time spent grazing during the non-growing seasons (49 +/- 15%) indicates that the feeding value and availability of food were sufficient. Health changes were detected adequately using condition scoring sheets. No supplementary food or water was supplied during the harsh winters. Moreover, low mortality rates and high reproductive success show that the mountain steppe is a habitat which is potentially suitable for establishing a healthy Takhi population. Takhi is the first species to return to its native habitat after living only in zoos for so many generations.