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Austin, N.P.; Rogers, L.J. Lateralization of agonistic and vigilance responses in Przewalski horses (Equus przewalskii) 2014 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 5768 151 43-50 details   doi
Bahloul, K.; Pereladova, O.B.; Soldatova, N.; Fisenko, G.; Sidorenko, E.; Sempere, A.J. Social organization and dispersion of introduced kulans (Equus hemionus kulan) and Przewalski horses (Equus przewalski) in the Bukhara Reserve, Uzbekistan 2001 Journal of Arid Environments 777 47 309-323 details   doi
Berger, A.; Scheibe, K.-M.; Eichhorn, K.; Scheibe, A.; Streich, J. Diurnal and ultradian rhythms of behaviour in a mare group of Przewalski horse (Equus ferus przewalskii), measured through one year under semi-reserve conditions 1999 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2236 64 1-17 details   doi
Berger, A.; Wolfram, M. Integration of zoo-kept Przewalski horses into a herd of Przewalski horses living in a semireserve 2015 Proceedings of the 3. International Equine Science Meeting 5892 details   pdf isbn
Berger, A.; Wolfram, M How to come together best? – Studies on integration processes of Przewalski horses into new groups (Equus ferus przewalskii) 2012 Proceedings of the 2. International Equine Science Meeting 5513 in press details   pdf openurl
Christensen, J.W.; Zharkikh, T.; Ladewig, J.; Yasinetskaya, N. Social behaviour in stallion groups (Equus przewalskii and Equus caballus) kept under natural and domestic conditions 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 776 76 11-20 details   doi
King, S.R.B. Home range and habitat use of free-ranging Przewalski horses at Hustai National Park, Mongolia 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 4682 78 103-113 details   doi
McDonnell, S.M.; Poulin, A. Equid play ethogram 2002 Applied Animal Behaviour Science 1987 78 263-290 details   url
Zharkikh, T.L.; Andersen, L. Behaviour of Bachelor Males of the Przewalski Horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) at the Reserve Askania Nova 2009 Der Zoologische Garten 5098 78 282-299 details   doi
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