Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Serial |
Volume |
Pages |
Albright, J.D.; Mohammed, H.O.; Heleski, C.R.; Wickens, C.L.; Houpt, K.A. |
Crib-biting in US horses: Breed predispositions and owner perceptions of aetiology |
2009 |
Equine Veterinary Journal |
5010 |
41 |
455-458 |
Bachmann, I.; Audige, L.; Stauffacher, M. |
Risk factors associated with behavioural disorders of crib-biting, weaving and box-walking in Swiss horses |
2003 |
Equine Veterinary Journal |
1907 |
35 |
158-163 |
Bell, R.J.W.; Kingston, J.K.; Mogg, T.D.; Perkins, N.R. |
The prevalence of gastric ulceration in racehorses in New Zealand |
2007 |
New Zealand Veterinary Journal |
4020 |
55 |
13-18 |
Hurn, S.D.; Turner, A.G. |
Ophthalmic examination findings of Thoroughbred racehorses in Australia |
2006 |
Veterinary Ophthalmology |
3766 |
9 |
95-100 |
Jonsson, H.; Egenvall, A. |
Prevalence of gastric ulceration in Swedish Standardbreds in race training |
2006 |
Equine Veterinary Journal |
1870 |
38 |
209-213 |
Kasashima, Y.; Takahashi, T.; Smith, R.K.W.; Goodship, A.E.; Kuwano, A.; Ueno, T.; Hirano, S. |
Prevalence of superficial digital flexor tendonitis and suspensory desmitis in Japanese Thoroughbred flat racehorses in 1999 |
2004 |
Equine Veterinary Journal |
3775 |
36 |
346-350 |
Landman, M.A.A.M.; de Blaauw, J.A.; van Weeren, P.R.; Hofland, L.J. |
Field study of the prevalence of lameness in horses with back problems |
2004 |
The Veterinary Record |
3717 |
155 |
165-168 |
McGreevy, P.D.; French, N.P.; Nicol, C.J. |
The prevalence of abnormal behaviours in dressage, eventing and endurance horses in relation to stabling |
1995 |
The Veterinary record |
89 |
137 |
36-37 |
Mills, D.S.; Alston, R.D.; Rogers, V.; Longford, N.T. |
Factors associated with the prevalence of stereotypic behaviour amongst Thoroughbred horses passing through auctioneer sales |
2002 |
Applied Animal Behaviour Science |
3636 |
78 |
115-124 |
Pell, S.M.; McGreevy, P.D. |
Prevalence of stereotypic and other problem behaviours in thoroughbred horses |
1999 |
Australian Veterinary Journal |
1927 |
77 |
678-679 |