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Albentosa, M. J., Kjaer, J. B., & Nicol, C. J. (2003). Strain and age differences in behaviour, fear response and pecking tendency in laying hens. Br Poult Sci, 44(3), 333–344.
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Aureli, F., & de Waal, F. B. (1997). Inhibition of social behavior in chimpanzees under high-density conditions. Am. J. Primatol., 41(3), 213–228.
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Cancedda, M. (1990). [Social and behavioral organization of horses on the Giara (Sardinia): distribution and aggregation]. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper, 66(11), 1089–1096.
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Capela, R., Sousa, C., Pena, I., & Caeiro, V. (1993). Preliminary note on the distribution and ecology of Culicoides imicola in Portugal. Med Vet Entomol, 7(1), 23–26.
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Conradt, L., & Roper, T. J. (2003). Group decision-making in animals. Nature, 421(6919), 155–158.
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de Waal, F. B., Aureli, F., & Judge, P. G. (2000). Coping with crowding. Sci Am, 282(5), 76–81.
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Dubois, F., & Giraldeau, L. - A. (2003). The forager's dilemma: food sharing and food defense as risk-sensitive foraging options. Am Nat, 162(6), 768–779.
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Gauvin, S., & Giraldeau, L. - A. (2004). Nutmeg mannikins ( Lonchura punctulata) reduce their feeding rates in response to simulated competition. Oecologia, 139(1), 150–156.
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Hrdy, S. B. (1974). Male-male competition and infanticide among the langurs (Presbytis entellus) of Abu, Rajasthan. Folia Primatol (Basel), 22(1), 19–58.
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Judge, P. G., & de Waal, F. B. (1994). Intergroup grooming relations between alpha females in a population of free-ranging rhesus macaques. Folia Primatol (Basel), 63(2), 63–70.
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