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Andrews, F.M.; Ralston, S.L.; Sommardahl, C.S.; Maykuth, P.L.; Green, E.M.; White, S.L.; Williamson, L.H.; Holmes, C.A.; Geiser, D.R. Weight, water, and cation losses in horses competing in a three-day event 1994 Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 3745 205 721-724 details   openurl
Golland, L.C.; Evans, D.L.; McGowan, C.M.; Hodgson, D.R.; Rose, R.J. The effects of overtraining on blood volumes in standardbred racehorses 2003 Veterinary Journal (London, England : 1997) 4045 165 228-233 details   openurl
Kinnunen, S.; Laukkanen, R.; Haldi, J.; Hanninen, O.; Atalay, M. Heart rate variability in trotters during different training periods 2006 Equine Veterinary Journal. Supplement 4008 214-217 details   openurl
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